Pigeonholing: The Hidden Limits Of Our True Diversity
Hardly any of us are free from pigeonholing. We are all complex, multidimensional beings full of potential. But the rigid ideals that we are supposed to live up to place invisible chains on us that have a massive impact on our lives.
Pigeonholing is an unconscious program. Everyone has certain ideas about how someone should be in a certain role – be it at work or in everyday life. These preconceived ideas and expectations lead to unconscious programs that prevent us from developing our true self and living a life that corresponds to our heart.
In this guest article, Steffen Backhaus, spiritual life coach and mentor, sheds light on the need to recognize and live our true identity – without pigeonholing. He challenges us to pause and reflect: What do we feel every day? What thoughts do we have? How long does it take us to make decisions? How often do we seek the opinions of others? Who makes decisions in our lives – our heart, our mind, our gut feeling or other people?
The shackles of social expectations
Do you remember how you were taught as a child not to make mistakes? From a young age, especially at school, we learn that mistakes are undesirable. This deeply ingrained pattern influences our entire lives. We strive to always make the right decisions and avoid mistakes at all costs. It thus conveys fear, insecurity, doubt, worry, mistrust, etc. on an energetic level – in subcommunication.
But what happens as a result of our pigeonholing? We move further and further away from our true essence and prevent the development of our full potential. In truth, we are souls; each soul is an inseparable part of the entire universe, the origin, the one source that created everything.
Inner wisdom and outer dependencies
There is an inner wisdom anchored in every wonderful soul that is unsurpassed by the opinions of others. This wisdom should determine our lives, not the expectations of society. The current life situation is irrelevant as long as the energy in the here and now is right. When we focus on the now and live in harmony with our inner wisdom, our life automatically transforms into the ideal we desire. The greatest gift you can give yourself and the world is to express your true essence.
The mind often only sees problems, difficulties and limitations. It tells us what is realistic and what is not.… weiterlesen

C&C Autor aus Zürich
Seine berufliche Laufbahn begann in der gehobenen Gastronomie, er machte sich als Koch in der Luxushotellerie einen Namen. Er kochte für Prominente und genoss großen Erfolg, spürte jedoch eine innere Disharmonie. Auf der Suche nach Erfüllung gab er seinen Beruf auf. Durch eine tiefgreifende spirituelle Erfahrung während einer Kakaozeremonie erlangte Steffen sein spirituelles Erwachen. Dieser Wendepunkt führte ihn zu seiner neuen wahren Berufung als spiritueller Life-Coach & Mentor. Nach einer Ausbildung als bioenergetischer Heiler unterstützt er heute Menschen dabei aus ganzheitlicher Sicht, ihre wahre Seelen-Identität zu entdecken und auf allen Ebenen ein herzzentriertes Leben zu führen.