Liplase Instead Of Duck Face

Liplase revolutionizes lip augmentation. Puffy lips are a thing of the past. Bye bye duck face. Today, beauty experts rely on a natural result achieved with the special Fotona 4D laser. C&C asked the specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery at Ad Astra Cosmetics in München in Munich, Doctor-Medic Christian-Marian Mezö for his opinion:
What is the difference between plumping up the lips with a laser, also known as LipLase, and the usual injections with hyaluronic acid?
The laser-based treatment of the lips is not used to increase volume, but to tighten the lips. The targeted heating of the tissue and the micro-lesions created by the laser radiation activate the collagen in the depths, which leads to a tightening of the skin. At the same time, the outer layer of the mucous membrane contracts, causing the lips to evacuate outwards and creating an aesthetically improved appearance.
In contrast, hyaluronic acid is used as a filler for lips without a contour to make the lips more harmonious and appealing. Both techniques can be excellently combined, especially if the hyaluronic acid has been dissolved after several years.
How does the procedure work?
Laser treatment of the lips can be slightly to moderately painful, which is why an anesthetic cream is first applied to the lips to ensure that the patient remains pain-free throughout the treatment. The entire lip area and the adjacent mouth region are then treated. Finally, the contour definition of the lips is treated again with a more intensive setting.
How long does the treatment take with Lipase?
The treatment usually takes 20-30 minutes.
Between 1 (low) and 10 (high) – what is the pain factor?
Thanks to the anesthetic ointment, the pain factor during the treatment is 0. After the Liplase treatment, patients report a slight pulling sensation, which is not actual pain and can last up to a maximum of 3 days.
Is there a down time?
As a rule, there is no downtime after laser treatment of the lips, but slight reddening of the lip area may remain visible for up to three days.
What side effects can occur?
The side effects of the treatment with Liplase are extremely rare. However, in people who are prone to herpes, the heating of the area can trigger a herpes outbreak. In such a case, an antiviral ointment can be applied locally after the treatment. Depending on the doctor’s instructions, antiviral medication may also be considered before treatment.
How long does it take to see the first results?
The results are visible immediately after the Liplase treatment.
What does it look like?
The result can be clearly compared to lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, especially due to the volume effect achieved by heating.
How long do the results last?
The results after laser treatment of your lips can last between 6 months and 1 year.
At what intervals should the treatment be refreshed?
For an ideal result, the Liplase treatment should be refreshed every 6 months.
Costs per treatment?
Compared to hyaluronic acid treatment, the cost of the sessions is significantly cheaper at around 600 euros for three sessions.

My curriculum vitae is as colorful as the world. I was editor at ELLE, tested cars and participated at off-road tours. I lived on a small island in Florida for twelve years and from there I travelled the Caribbean and almost all states of the USA for various magazines, conducted interviews with interesting people, reported on beautiful homes and exotic travel destinations. After my return to Germany I worked for InStyle magazine for 14 years in various positions. And it was there that I first came into contact with the topic of beauty. To this day I still enjoy immersing myself in the fine cosmos of creams, perfumes and lipsticks. (photo: Thomas Dilge)