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Tag: booster

Tested for you: „Vitamin C Booster“ from Noble Panacea

Vitamin C plays a major role not only in nutrition. It has also become indispensable in skin care. Of course, because it is the top active ingredient when it comes to the coveted glow. But not only that -the water-soluble vitamin is one of the most important cell protectors. “Vitamin C as a serum can support sun protection and prevent pigmentation disorders,” confirms Munich dermatologist Dr. Christian Merkel to me. He therefore recommends that I also apply a vitamin C serum in the morning before sun protection, for example. I’m looking forward to my test product, the “Vitamin C Booster” from Noble Panacea. The Test The product I’m testing contains more than 20 percent stabilized pure ascorbic acid, as well as other natural sources of vitamin C such as acerola, camu camu and cockatoo plum. Unfortunately, this is not fully developed in many products, because the vitamin C is sensitive to light and air and thus loses much of its potential. In Noble Panacea, however, a special technology (OSMV) is said to take effect, encapsulating the active ingredient and thus protecting it. It also allows the the water-soluble vitamin to be delivered to the skin not all at once, but continuously throughout the day. This also multiplies the effect. 20 percent sounds quite a lot, and I know that vitamin C can also irritate the skin. Since my skin is very sensitive, I am therefore cautious. I first test in the crook of my arm. As there is no redness in the evening, I start my 30-day cure the next morning. And indeed: no redness, no tension, actually my skin feels quite good. Afterwards, I apply my usual care with SPF 50, as I do every day. I don’t quite trust the peace yet, so I slowly increase the dose. First I use the vitamin C product only every other day, but after a week I use it every day. Conclusion: My sensitive skin tolerated the vitamin C serum perfectly. And already looks really fresher after a few days. And the glow? Yes, that also appears gradually. Does it also reduce pigmentation spots? I can’t say, because I don’t have any on my face. But an extract of white pine bark promises to support the vitamin in this job as well. But I found other plus points: The product is a perfect travel companion because it’s packaged in small sachets that contain a generous single serving.… weiterlesen

Skincare Made to Measure

Customized or bespoke are THE keywords when it comes to something tailored specifically to a person. To explain why tailor-made skin care actually does make sense, Dr. Gerhard Sattler, founder and Medical Director of the Bellari Institute and the Rosenpark Klinik Darmstadt, uses the example of SkinCeuticals CUSTOM D.O.S.E., a machine which produces a personalized skin serum on site. Does customized skincare make sense even if one doesn’t have problem skin? I think this is a question of personal requirements. Prevention always plays a role in taking care of my skin, even if it is healthy. In this respect, personalized care is also helpful for those consumers who don’t have problem skin. After all, it contains not only medicinal substances, but skin nourishing ingredients which give support to the stability and health of the skin. What is special about the new SkinCeuticals product is the quality of how it is prepared. The machine is located here in the salesroom at the Bellari Medical Beauty practice and, in just a few minutes, produces a serum under highly sterile conditions, just as if it came from a laboratory. I find that remarkable and highly professional. What parameters does the machine measure? Since every skin has individual needs and problem zones, a precise anamnesis is essential. This is obtained by means of a personal conversation and a tablet-supported skin analysis which take place in advance. Based on the programme’s questions, the patient’s objectives are established, and problem areas noted and assessed. The SkinScope from SkinCeuticals is also used. By means of a special UV light, this reveals “weak points” in the skin such as hyperpigmentation, couperose, etc., which are not yet visible to the naked eye. The formulation is then determined using a tablet after which CUSTOM D.O.S.E (and this is what makes it special) combines the appropriate ingredients for the patient. Not all active ingredients can be combined, nor can an infinite number be included in one serum. Based on the answers, the system recognizes exactly which ingredient is the correct one, for example to minimize redness. Since each substance can have several properties, this depends exactly on the combination. The system automatically compiles the optimal dosage and mixes the serum individually right in front of the patient. Who carries out the anamnesis with the patient? The beauty of the Bellari concept is the combination of professional cosmetics and aesthetic medicine at one location.… weiterlesen