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Author: Margit Rüdiger

CultureAndCream Author from Munich To travel during my profession as a beauty journalist was never enough for my. Also my six month on a world trip didn't do it. It always attracts me to other cities, foreign countries, on roadtrips and places I don't know yet. But I am not only interested in "culture" and "cream", I am also fascinated by people who have stories to tell .  Such unique experiences I want to share with you.

Tested for you: „Longevity Bundle“ from Avea

Longevity, a term that is currently on everyone’s lips. But what is actually behind it? Longevity science aims to add healthy, vibrant years to your life and improve your quality of life. Personal lifestyle plays an important role in this, as a balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management significantly increase longevity. However, certain dietary supplements can also have a supportive effect. Longevity for the cells A tiny molecule called NAD+ has an important function here. It is a coenzyme that is found in every cell and is important for energy metabolism, DNA repair and gene expression. A higher NAD+ level is associated with longevity and less age-related degradation. Unfortunately, however, NAD+ levels decrease with age or with certain lifestyles. This means that this also has a negative impact on vital cell functions. NMN boosts NAD+ NMN is a vitamin B3 derivative that is considered a precursor to NAD+ and offers a promising approach to optimizing NAD+ levels in the body and thus slowing down cell ageing. Many supplement manufacturers are taking advantage of this. Avea’s NMN supplement with advanced Uthever® NMN has been shown to be effective in clinical studies and is also 99% pure. My test of the trio I tested the “Longevity Bundle” from Avea in Switzerland for four weeks. A trio consists of three different products: 30 sachets of the Collagen Activator, a jar of 30 capsules of NMN, the precursor of NAD+, and a jar of 30 booster capsules containing various anti-ageing substances such as ubiquinol (coenzyme Q10), resveratrol, pterostilbene, nicotinamide (vitamin B3) and much more. I follow the guide for daily intake: every morning I take one NMN and one booster capsule, usually after breakfast, which I tend to skimp on except at the weekend. I take the Collagen Activator with Colgevity 8,400 mg (L-glycine 5,000 mg, L-hydroxyproline 1,700 mg, L-proline 1,700 mg), calcium alpha ketoglutarate 1,000 mg, algae powder 200 mg (provides astaxanthin 4 mg) 1-2 hours before going to bed every day. The glycine also promotes restful sleep. I dissolve the contents of the sachet in a glass of water, and thanks to 150 mg of acerola fruit juice extract (provides 48 mg of vitamin C), my bedtime drink doesn’t taste too bad. Why collagen in the evening? So that the Collagen Activator can support the nightly repair work on the skin. Because increased collagen production means firmer and therefore rejuvenated skin. Avea research at ETH Zurich has shown that the collagen precursor Colgevity contained in the powder was able to increase collagen synthesis significantly more than with normal collagen intake.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Moisturizer SPF 15 from Biodroga

Moisturizer with a sun protection factor is a must for me, even when the sun is no longer burning down from the sky. As soon as the sun’s power fades in the fall and the temperatures are more pleasant again, it’s time for long hikes, a bike ride or an extended shopping spree. But be careful: even if the sun is no longer shining so strongly, you shouldn’t do without UV protection for your skin. Clouds can indeed block some of the sun’s rays. How effectively depends on how thick they are and how high and in what form they appear in the sky. A dense cloud cover can block more UV rays than a thin cloud. However, there is no such thing as complete UV protection from clouds. Black Forest moisturizer That’s why I prefer to moisturize my skin after the dry summer months with a moisturizer that contains sun protection. The texture of the cream should be light, but so intensive that it replenishes the skin’s moisture reserves and reduces dryness lines. The SPF 15 provides me with sufficient protection at this time of year. I apply the product to my face and neck after cleansing and serum and massage it in gently. The soft pink texture has a pleasant scent (I just love that) and is quickly absorbed without leaving a shiny finish on the skin. The Black Forest Skin Secret moisturizer was developed at Biodroga’s Bioscience Institute in the Black Forest. The manufacturer is committed to combining nature and science in a very special way. The raw materials used are based on the model of nature. The majority of the ingredients are of natural origin or are derived from the knowledge of natural biological processes. The best of nature The in-house Black Forest Complex works in all products. It soothes and balances the skin with elderberry, fern and moss. But it not only provides relaxation, it also gives the skin a special energy. The elderberry for the elderberry extract is harvested in the region. It moisturizes and strengthens the skin. It also has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Elderberry is ideal for regenerating stressed skin. Fern has a toning effect and anti-inflammatory properties. This brings the skin back into balance. Hyaluronic acid has become an indispensable part of moisturizing care. It is characterized by its ability to bind many times its own molecular weight in water. The combination of high-molecular and low-molecular hyaluronic acid in Black Forest Cream provides the skin with optimum moisture and provides long-lasting protection against water loss.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Fall look from Make Up Factory

Fall is fast approaching. Nature is already preparing for the coming season. Here in Italy, the widespread oaks are shedding their brown leaves. The pine trees shed their needles in a wonderful reddish brown. I have also adopted the beautiful fall tones of nature for my new eye make-up look. Strong color nuances in an elegant brown-grey. I love these mousse colors because I don’t like any color rush on my eyes. I prefer to save that for my outfits – even in the fall and winter season. Fall look: Be the rebel For my eye make-up, I choose the vegan Pro Effect Eye Palette “Iconic Variations” with a lid in an elegant, black leather look. An extremely aesthetic feel! I can create a new trend for myself every day from the nine sensual eyeshadow powders ranging from a light beige (ideal as an eye opener!) to charcoal black. For the evening, there are two metallic versions in silver and bordeaux, while the other powders are wonderfully matt and velvety-soft to apply. Thanks to the high luminosity and intense color payoff, applying makeup to the eyes with this palette is child’s play – provided you use the right brushes for the eyelid, corner of the eye and lid margin. You can create a blurred shabby look with your fingers, but you should then limit yourself to one color. Incidentally, these are all free from mineral oil, parabens and perfume. Eyeliner with or without wing I use the vegan Ultra Last Precision Liner in an ultra-matt “Deep Black” to give the eyes more expression and to visually thicken the lashes. I can draw both fine and bold lines with the precise felt tip. A little tip on how to make it easier: first draw a gentle line from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the lash line – always close to the lash line so that there is no gap to the eyeliner. Then draw a second line from the outer corner of the eye to the center. If you want a wing at the end of the eye – whether curved, straight, larger or smaller – you should make sure that there is only a little color on the eyeliner brush. For this reason, a felt liner has a clear advantage here. Place it at the outer corner of the eye and draw a fine line towards the eyebrow.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Rose care line from Italy “Acqua alle Rose”

Acqua alle Rose is the second brand that has found its way into my bathroom in Italy, alongside Borotalco. The same manufacturer, by the way. A dear friend from Munich (!) introduced me to it because she wanted to bring the products back to Germany. Together we went in search of Acqua alle Rose. I immediately liked the packaging with its ornate, Italian-antiquated white label on a sea-blue bottle. I was surprised by the reasonable price considering the complicated rose distillation process.. Acqua alle Rose – a look at its history As the name suggests, rose essence is the basis of all these products. The origins of the line go back a long way. In 1843, Henry Roberts opened the pharmaceutical laboratory H. Roberts & Co. in the center of Florence. However, their distilled rose water only came onto the market in 1867. The mixture of pure distilled water and extracts of precious roses became the beauty secret of generations of Italian women. As early as the 1930s, production was expanded as demand for rose water continued to rise. In 1983, the first advertisement appeared, claiming that Robert’s rose water “removes the veil of tiredness from your face”. In 2014, the first facial care range was ready for the market, followed in 2020 by a complete range with the unmistakable scent of roses – for all skin types and for all ages.. Roses, roses, roses A wide variety of roses are used for the distilled rose water – from Rosa Janina (rosehip) and Rosa Mosqueta, which is rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and vitamin A, to Rosa Centifoglia and the well-known Damask rose, which also has an important name in perfume production. The extracts not only have a high skincare effect, but also give the products their subtle, delicate fragrance. The rose hip, also known as the shrub rose, is one of the countless species of wild roses that grow wild in the Italian forests, especially in the Apennines. The small red berries are an incredibly rich source of vitamin C, which is contained in up to 100 times the concentration of citrus fruits. In addition to the rosehip berries, parts of the flower such as petals and buds are also used. Its cosmetic effect is extremely potent, as vitamin C has a strong antioxidant effect that counteracts damage caused by free radicals and combats photoageing. The fruit also contains natural acids with a smoothing and moisturizing effect, tannins and carotenoids.… weiterlesen

Coffee – When is the best time to drink it?

Kaffee ist unbestritten das Lieblingsgetränk der Deutschen, fast jeder Dritte trinkt ihn sogar mehrmals am Tag. Laut des Deutschen Kaffeebundes verbrauchte jede Person 2021 in Deutschland durchschnittlich 169 Liter Kaffee, ein Liter mehr als im Vorjahr. Die meisten trinken ihn, um morgens wach zu werden. Aber ist das wirklich der ideale Zeitpunkt? Kaffee ist auch für mich der beste Muntermacher. Und gesund ist er auch, wenn man sich auf diverse Studien verlassen mag. Das heißt es, dass die tägliche Tasse Koffein die Gesundheit von Herz und Gehirn fördern kann. Und dass Kaffee, wenn er ohne Zucker – getrunken wird – dank der in der Bohne enthaltenen Antioxidantien zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile bieten kann wie das Ankurbeln des Stoffwechsels. Er soll auch einer Herzinsuffizienz oder einem Schlaganfall vorbeugen. Und schließlich sorgt Koffein dafür, dass wir wacher werden. Das Aufwach-Argument behält allerdings nicht für immer seine Gültigkeit. Denn der Körper gewöhnt sich mit der Zeit an den Koffein-Kick am Morgen, weshalb er mit der Zeit weniger sensibel für den Aufputscher wird. Das bedeutet, dass man dann immer mehr Kaffee benötigt, um wach zu werden. Das richtig Kaffee-Timing Ob mit irgendeiner Art von Milch oder schwarz, ob mit Zucker oder (besser noch!) ohne – es kommt weniger darauf an, wie man seinen Kaffee zu sich nimmt, sondern wann. Mit dem richtigen Timing lassen sich negative Auswirkungen vermeiden. Eine feste Zeit für die erste Tasse zu Tagesbeginn gibt es jedoch nicht. Allerdings hat eine neue Studie herausgefunden, dass ein zu früher Genuss nach dem Aufstehen sich negativ auf die Gesundheit auswirken kann. Das meint zumindest der US-amerikanische Neurowissenschaftler Steven Miller, der sich den Konsum von Kaffee etwas genauer angeschaut hat. Seine Fragestellung war, wann der optimale Zeitpunkt für die erste Tasse sei. Da die Menschen unterschiedliche Tagesabläufe haben, lässt sich das Ergebnis nicht verallgemeinern. Sicher war er sich allerdings darin, dass er beste Zeitpunkt dafür eine bis anderthalb Stunden nach dem Aufstehen ist. Zusätzlicher Cortisol-Schub Warum das so ist? In der Zeit zwischen 8 und 9 Uhr morgens produziert der Körper ohnehin bereits vermehrt das Wachmacher-Hormon Cortisol. Gibt man ihm dann auch noch einen Kaffee zum Wachwerden, kann der Hormonspiegel laut der Studie auf ein erhöhtes Stress-Level gelangen, das mit einer erhöhten Anfälligkeit für Krankheiten und Gewichtszunahme einhergeht. Trinkt man dagegen seinen erste Tasse zwischen 9.30 und 11.30 Uhr oder zwischen 13.30 und 17 Uhr kann man damit wunderbar seine Energie und Leistungsfähigkeit steigern. Denn in diesen Phasen befindet sich der Körper ohnehin in einem Cortisol-Tief und kann den Koffein-Push vertragen.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Fermented active ingredients in “The Truth Serum” from SKŌUD

Fermented active ingredients are not only a top beauty trend and are considered an anti-ageing booster, they are also an absolute game changer in natural cosmetics. In everyday life, we are familiar with the fermentation of foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut and cheese, but also beer and wine to make them more durable. Korean cosmetics manufacturers, who are ahead of us in many beauty areas, have been working with fermented active ingredients in skincare for a long time. The packaging then says something like “galactomyces ferment filtrate”, “bifida ferment lysate” or “saccaromyces ferment filtrate”. What are fermented active ingredients? The fermentation process is a special fermentation process in which organic substances are converted with the help of fungi and bacteria under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen). The conversion work of the microorganisms during fermentation produces many health-promoting substances such as amino acids, vitamins, lactic acids, polysaccharides and beta glucan. A fermented active ingredient also breaks down into smaller molecules and proteins, which improves its bioavailability, i.e. it can be absorbed more easily by the skin. It is also better tolerated as allergenic proteins are partially converted into non-allergenic substances. Most fermented substances also have a lower pH value and naturally ensure a longer product shelf life. Fermented active ingredients not only score with maximum bioavailability, best tolerance even for sensitive skin types and a top shelf life. The amino acids they contain have a firming effect and can promote collagen production. Vitamins act as antioxidants to protect against UV damage, one of the main causes of premature skin ageing. Support for the skin barrier SKŌUD Skin Health is committed to maintaining healthy skin – with natural, innovative ingredients at a high-performance level. Their “Truth Serum” is a holistic 360° multi-defense serum that protects the skin from harmful environmental influences such as UV radiation, blue light or fine dust with its highly concentrated and natural bioactive ingredients. It neutralizes free radicals that can cause irreversible damage to the skin, thereby perfecting the skin’s appearance. To protect the skin barrier, the serum uses biotechnologically obtained moss extract and fermented oats with their skin microbiome-strengthening properties. It also contains the specially developed active ingredient complex AERI5, which homogenizes the skin’s own microbiome and thus also strengthens the skin barrier. My test I not only like SKŌUD’s philosophy, but also the clear, no-frills presentation of the products and their formulation. The serum has a light and cooling texture that makes it suitable for all skin types.… weiterlesen

The 2024 Cruise Index

Kreuzfahrten sind im Trend. Kein verstaubtes Image mehr, dass nur reiche Oldies sich auf den Schiffen verlustieren. Die Klientel reicht inzwischen von Jung bis Alt, von Singles bis Familien. Wenn Sie in nächster Zukunft eine Kreuzfahrt planen, dann informieren Sie sich jetzt. Kreuzfahrten bieten ein perfektes Gleichgewicht zwischen Bequemlichkeit und Entdeckungen. Sie gewähren ein stressfreies Erlebnis mit Unterkünften, Restaurants und Unterhaltungsangeboten, die sich alle bequem auf dem Schiff befinden, und ermöglichen es den Reisenden, beim Besuch der einzelnen Häfen verschiedene Kulturen und Landschaften kennenzulernen. „Mit schätzungsweise 300 Schiffen, die in diesem Jahr in See stechen, und der Weltreise von Royal Caribbean, die TikTok im Sturm erobert hat, waren Kreuzfahrten noch nie so beliebt wie heute. Die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaften bieten jetzt Reisen zu weit entfernten Zielen an, die oft günstiger sind als die steigenden Kosten für Flüge und Hotels“, erklärt Cody Candee, CEO und Gründer von Bounce. Doch welche Kreuzfahrtlinien und -ziele werden im Jahr 2024 die besten sein? Um das herauszufinden, haben die Reise-Experten von Bounce den Anteil der Aktivitäten für Paare und Familien, die Sehenswürdigkeiten und Wahrzeichen, die Restaurants, die Anzahl der Strände und das Wetter in jeder Destination untersucht. Abgecheckt in dieser Studie wurden auch die besten Kreuzfahrtlinien des Jahres mit der Anzahl der Reiserouten, die Fangemeinde in den sozialen Medien, die YouTube-Abonnenten, die Größe der Flotte jedes Anbieters Rsowie die Passagierkapazität. Zudem wurde die Anzahl der Kabinen des größten Schiffes der jeweiligen Reederei berücksichtigt. Die besten Kreuzfahrtziele Santorin, Griechenland – Bewertung: 8.13/10Als bestes Kreuzfahrtziel 2024 wird Santorin mit 8,13 von 10 Punkten bewertet. Die griechische Insel rangiert in allen Bereichen relativ weit oben – insbesondere beim Anteil romantischer Aktivitäten, der mit 1.839 pro 100.000 Einwohner den zweiten Platz belegt. Auch bei den Familienaktivitäten liegt Santorin mit 958 Angeboten pro 100.000 Einwohner an zweiter Stelle. Cartagena, Spanien – Bewertung: 7.73/10Cartagena liegt auf dem zweiten Platz. Die südspanische Stadt behauptet sich unter den ersten fünf, was die Anzahl der Strände (80) und den Anteil an Sehenswürdigkeiten und Wahrzeichen (489 pro 100.000 Einwohner) angeht. Auch bei den 168 Familienaktivitäten pro 100.000 Einwohner liegt sie unter den Top 10. Cartagena erhält als Kreuzfahrtziel 7,73 von 10 Punkten. Valletta, Malta – Bewertung: 7.55/10Den Abschluss der Top 3 bildet Valletta. Die maltesische Stadt erhält 7,75 von 10 Punkten dank ihres hohen Anteils an Sehenswürdigkeiten und Wahrzeichen (2.579 pro 100.000 Einwohner) und belegt damit den ersten Platz bei diesem Faktor. Aufgrund ihrer geringen Einwohnerzahl liegt sie auch bei der Anzahl der Restaurants mit 31.045 pro 100.000 Einwohnern an erster Stelle.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Gel mask “MAGIC CARE Watermelon Glow Mask” by M. Asam

I always associate gel masks with refreshment. That’s why I find them an ideal product to complement my usual skincare ritual, especially in summer. With the “Water Melon Glow Mask” from M. Asam, however, I experience a surprise in two respects: First of all, the color. In the jar, the gel mask with a light glitter texture glows red like a freshly cut watermelon and also exudes a deliciously fruity fragrance. And then the feel: on the skin, it has a slightly velvety, oily effect and immediately coats the complexion with a beautiful glow. Gel mask with shimmer texture This magical formula derives its glow from the Wu-Zhu-Yu plant, which is one of the medicinal herbs used in TCM medicine. Watermelon extract moisturizes the skin from within. The product is vegan, the jar is made from compensated plastic “Plastic Net-Zero/plasticbank”. The mask fulfills a wide range of skin care needs: Pre-aging, anti-aging, wrinkles and lines, loss of elasticity. When I use it, I am rewarded with an extraordinary skin care experience. The complexion appears better supplied with blood, it looks revitalized and radiant. This was also confirmed by the test subjects (30) of a small study commissioned by M.Asam in April 2022. The answers stated: “My skin feels supple and soft” (87 percent) or “My skin appears well supplied with blood” (83 percent). For more glow during the day I used the gel mask twice a week. On a cleansed face, of course.I prefer to apply masks with a wide brush like the beautician does. This makes it easier to spread the product and the layer is evenly distributed all over the face. But you can of course also use your fingers. After about 15 minutes, I gently removed the residue with a damp cloth. I prefer to use the watermelon mask in the morning, provided I have enough time. The advantage is that my complexion then glows on its own and I don’t need another glow product. Another step saved! „MAGIC CARE Watermelon Glow Mask“ from M. Asam , 30 ml, 14,99 Euro… weiterlesen

Tested for you: New collagen series “Collagen Serum” and “Collagen Night Cream” from Doc.Berger/effect

Collagen has become an integral part of modern skincare. But what makes this substance an IT ingredient in anti-ageing skincare? Quite clearly. As a so-called structural protein, collagen provides our skin and connective tissue with firmness and elasticity. At 30 percent, it is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is mainly produced from the amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. As is unfortunately the case with so many important substances for the skin, the production of the body’s own collagen also decreases with increasing age. The consequences are visible: the skin loses elasticity and wrinkles appear more frequently. Collagen serum with lifting effect The “Collagen Serum” was developed by the plastic surgeon Dr. Luise Berger from Munich. It is designed to intensively hydrate and visibly plump up the skin. To achieve this, she uses an innovative collagen-hyaluron complex – Desamido Collagen. This is a special form of collagen that is processed in such a way that it can be absorbed much more easily by the skin. Due to its unique structure, it can penetrate into deeper layers and develop its regenerative and firming properties there. In this way, the natural regeneration of skin cells is supported, resulting in improved elasticity and firmness. Other ingredients in the serum: a special amino acid complex (Prodew® 600), argan stem cell extract and betaine, which is known for its ability to attract and retain moisture. Argan stem cells are extracted from argan trees that grow in the dry, desert-like regions of Morocco. They are known for their robustness, which enables them to survive even in such extreme climatic conditions. The extract obtained from them is considered an innovative and highly effective active ingredient in skin care. These stem cells have the ability to increase the vitality of skin cells and extend their lifespan. My test I applied the serum consistently in the morning and evening. 2-3 drops are enough for the face and neck. It is pleasant on the skin and absorbs quickly. It is important that the skin has fully absorbed the serum before continuing with your skincare routine. I also apply the serum under my eyes to plump up my dryness lines. That works too. However, the real effects can only be assessed after six weeks of use at the earliest. Unfortunately, the Serum from Doc.Berger/effect doesn’t last that long. This is also the only thing I have to criticize about the product.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Cooling Duo „Kühlendes Körperspray“ + „Hyaluron Körpergel“ from Susanne Kaufmann

A cooling duo for the body is essential in summer temperatures. In my adopted home of Italy, Tuscany, the thermometer has been reading a little under 40 degrees every day for weeks. So the cooling duo from Susanne Kaufmann was just what I needed. Cooling duo of body spray and body gel This light body spray is ideal for cooling heated skin. It provides a cooling sensation thanks to menthol and horse chestnut extract. The hydrating care formula not only refreshes our outer skin, but also our senses. The super fresh 100 percent natural fragrance consists of citronella, eucalyptus, lavender and sage oils. The spray has a perfect travel size and is therefore also ideal for on the go – to enjoy a little cool-down in between or to revitalize tired legs. From now on, I always have the cooling spray with me on long walks with my dog. I apply the spray generously all over my body in the morning and top up as needed during the day. Important: Shake the bottle well before each use and do not spray the liquid on your face. Cooling down with Hyaluron The refreshing body gel cools, soothes the skin and provides it with immediate and intensive moisture. It contains a special combination of three hyaluronic acid molecules of different sizes, which make the body look smoother and plumper in an instant, leaving it feeling soft and well cared for. Hyaluronic acid is an endogenous substance that also occurs naturally in human tissue and helps it to retain moisture. I also like to use the gel after spending time in the sun to soothe my skin and replenish its moisture stores. In addition to the hydrating hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and balloon vine extract strengthen the natural barrier function, while cooling menthol soothes when skin is tight, irritated or hot to the touch. Whenever I feel my skin could do with a moisture booster, I apply the gel before a rich body cream. Susanne Kaufmann „Kühlendes Körperspray“, 75ml, 35 Euro, “Hyaluron Körpergel“, 100 ml, 57 Euro About Susanne Kaufmann In 1994, Susanne Kaufmann took over the Hotel Post in Bezau from her mother at the age of just 23. With her spa in the hotel, she realized a vision: she wanted to create a place dedicated to holistic well-being. With her knowledge and expertise, she has designed a spa that combines traditional practices and modern treatments.… weiterlesen