Home Workout: Fitness Coach Reveals The Best Tips
Home workout is more important than ever in today’s world. More and more people work from home and should also pay attention to their own health and fitness in the home office. For this, many invest in fitness equipment for the home, which then often ends up unnoticed in a corner.
Home workout as an effective workout at home. “Although many people have fitness equipment in their home, it is often not used. I often hear from people that they get less exercise than usual,” explains Simon Mathis. However, the nutrition and fitness consultant emphasizes, “The good news is that you can still stay fit with the right home workout – without a gym or sports club.” In this article, Simon Mathis presents the best tips for effective home workouts.
Warm up before the actual workout
One important step that many people overlook before a workout is warming up. It’s tempting to forgo a warm-up because you’re going to sweat during your workout anyway. However, this is a big mistake. A cold musculature is more prone to injury and can also perform less in training..
A well perfused musculature, on the other hand, is able to perform to its full potential in training. Therefore, exercisers should be sure to warm up, such as by doing light exercises on an exercise bike or without weights. When you start to sweat slightly, you have reached the right body temperature and are ready for your workout.
Align repetition numbers to goals
It is important to know that the number of repetitions in the exercises should vary depending on the desired body shape. If you want to build muscle, you should do about eight to 12 repetitions per set. Once you can do more reps, you should increase the weight until you are back in that range. On the other hand, if you’re aiming more for general fitness and a defined body, you should do 15 to 25 reps per set to build strength endurance.
Prefer complex exercises
In addition, complex exercises involving many muscle groups at the same time should be prioritized in the workout. These exercises challenge the body more in terms of coordination and strength effort, save training time and lead to optimal training success.
In addition, complex exercises such as squats, push-ups and rowing involve moving heavier weights, which contributes to a higher release of natural growth hormones. Therefore, athletes should always choose exercises that use multiple muscle groups in their workout.… weiterlesen

Culture & Cream-Autor aus Österreich
Als diplomierter Fitness- und Ernährungstrainer hat Simon Mathis bereits mehr als 600 Selbstständige, Unternehmer und Führungskräfte dabei unterstützt, wieder in ihre Lieblingskleidung von früher zu passen sowie fitter und gesünder zu werden. Wenn es um das zeiteffektive und nachhaltige Abnehmen geht, ist er ein absoluter Experte.