Author: Marion Terhaar

C&C-Autorin aus Gronau Sie ist zertifizierte Hundetrainerin, Verhaltensberaterin, Züchterin und Besitzerin des Hundezentrums Dinkelblick in Gronau-Epe. In dem aus ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit hervorgegangenen Zuchtprogramm "FAMILYDOGS4YOU artgerecht Hunde züchten" und dem von ihr daraus entwickelten einzigartigem neuen Konzept "DOG-SCHOOLING artgerecht Hunde führen" legt sie ihren Fokus einzig darauf, Menschen so zu schulen, damit diese mit ihren Hunden ein glückliches, harmonisches und möglichst problemfreies Miteinander leben können. Diese Schulungen finden vorzugsweise über Life-Webinare und Workshops statt. Dazu legt sie von Anfang an Wert auf eine hundegerechte Erziehung, bei welcher es im Kern auf einer guten Mensch-Hund-Verständigung ankommt. Ihre Mobilnummer: 0049 170 5841201

Traveling with a dog

The autumn vacations are just around the corner and with them the time of overcrowded dog boarding kennels. Many people would give their dog before the vacation at short notice but rather in a care than to take him. Vacation with a pet, that often feels too complicated for many owners. “If you take your dog with you on vacation, you naturally have more hassle, especially if the dog has some ‘quirks’ that could get in the way of a relaxing trip. But there are some ways in which you can enjoy a relaxing time out even with an animal and a his ‘quirk’,” explains dog trainer Marion Terhaar. In the following article, she gives tips on how to prepare yourself – and especially your pet – for your vacation together and get him fit for it in 10 days. One thing in advance: There is no “panacea” against misbehavior. A successful change in behavior always involves both – man and dog. Who does not wish for the miracle cure, the miracle trick to eliminate undesirable behavior in his dog in the shortest possible time. Just as we humans are different in nature, so are dogs – even if two live in the same environment. Thus, the same “advice” can not become a panacea. Although there are tricks from animal psychology that achieve quick results, a miracle cure does not exist. That’s why training before a vacation should not be about the dog being like a new character after ten days – this will not be possible especially with “difficult” pets and will lead to unnecessary additional stress for man and dog. The joint vacation as an opportunity for animal and owner Rather, the vacation with the pet should be seen as an opportunity to break up unwelcome behavior patterns. It is a constant companion and family member of man. So why not use the vacation also as an opportunity to spend quality time with the four-legged friend? “This is now possible at a wide range of vacation resorts. Numerous hotels advertise that they allow pets and that special beaches are nearby,” says Marion Terhaar, who could, for example, provide additional advisory assistance via a Zoom call before the start of the vacation. Of course, the preparation should always take into account the conditions at the vacation destination and the characteristics of your own animal. Oners know their four-legged friend best and know what peculiarities it brings with it.… weiterlesen

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