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Be Beautiful, appear Beautiful, live Beautiful

Philosophical instruction for use

Nina Schmid is co-owner of „Street Philosophy“ and an architect. She has the look on unity and fullness not only in her work but also in live. Her power comes from conviction that there is so much in our world that is beautiful. It is just waiting to be discovered and perceived. In her book “the anagram of god is dog – The Magic Dog’s Seven Secrets to a Truly Good Life” she tells about life and a dog called Hoomy. The Magic Dog’s Secrets strengthens a traumatized and scared family and brings back laughter and hope. Secret No. 6 is all about beauty. Here comes an excerpt:

„Don’t go outside you hose to see the flowers. My friend don’t bother with that excursion. Inside your body there are flowers. One flower has a thousand petals. That will do for a place to sit. Sitting there you will have a glimpse of Beauty. Inside the body and out of it, before gardens and after gardens.”
Kabir (Indian mystic, 1440 – 1518 n.Chr.)

We can’t live without beauty

Beauty has been damned so often. It has been misjudged, underestimated, spoken ill of, ridiculed, badmouthed and denigrated. Beauty has been insulted as superfluous, perfunctory, shallow, superficial, futile and useless. People have so often chosen the practical over the beautiful. They have brushed beauty aside, have turned their backs on beauty, have expelled beauty from their lives or have tried to bury it. Too many people are either afraid of beauty or jealous of it. But we cannot live without beauty. I know that I don’t want to live without beauty. We need beauty around us to be able to thrive.

Beauty jolts us awake.
Beauty makes us hold our breaths.
Beauty keeps us amazed.
Beauty opens our hearts.
Beauty makes us flourish.
Beauty makes us reach out.
Beauty immerses us with gratitude.
Beauty cultivates our sense of wonder.
Beauty will never pass into nothingness.
Beauty answers all questions.
Beauty transcends words.
Beauty surpasses all limitations.
Beauty sometimes touches us so deep down inside, that it almost hurts.
Beauty speaks directly to our soul.
Beauty connects us to the universe.
Beauty connects us to the source.

Instinctive reaction

Secretly we are all in love with true authentic beauty. And we all instinctively react to beauty. Beauty inside and beauty outside. Beauty in all its different forms.

“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”
Anne Frank (died 1945)

You want to learn more about beauty?

Schön! A culture salon by Street Philosophy
Nov. 28th, from 7 til 9.30 pm
Hearthouse München, Lenbachplatz 2, 80333 Munich

Tickets (24 Euro) spätestens zwei Tage vor der Veranstaltung buchen


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