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Tag: high sensivity

High Sensivity: You Have a Right to All Your Feelings

High sensivity – “Just the fact that there is a word for it takes so much pressure off!”, finds coach & yoga teacher Nina Krüger. Here’s her story and how she learned to deal with her emotions. High sensivity has been with me all my life. Even as a child, of all the fairy tales I could identify most with the “Princess and the Pea“. Back then, when new dresses were bought for little Nina and not run through the washing machine before the first wear, I got a rash – itching with pustules all over my body. My skin has always been sensitive and reacted to pretty much everything. My hair is sensitive and even my gums. I just got the body that fit me and my emotional life. When I was eight years old, I was allowed to attend my first musical: “The Phantom of the Opera”! My mother told me the story of this musical, and we listened to the music at home long before the performance. And then in the theater: I sat in the third row and cried my eyes out because I found everything so tragic and terrible. Then at the end of the play, when the artists took their bows on stage, they looked at me clapping – with my face streaming with tears. They pointed at me, laughed, and thought I was so cute. High sensivity can be exhausting In a way, that’s sweet. A compassionate person, pure empathy. But for me: How exhausting!!! Exhausting also for my fellow human beings, but especially for ME! Nobody who doesn’t know this from his own experience knows how it feels to feel like this. To feel so much, to feel so intensely. And that in every situation – even if you don’t actually want to feel (with) it. Even for idiots who don’t deserve to feel so intensely. For a very long time in my life I did not manage to separate myself. When I was 18, and it was reported on the radio how someone was running around with a knife and stabbing people – including a young couple – I sat on my chair and tears ran down my face. “Nina, this can’t go on. We have to toughen you up!” How often I got to hear that from family, from friends. They said that I had to grow a thicker skin, not be so sensitive.… weiterlesen