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Tested for you: Lanserhof Medical Experts’ cookbook „Die heilende Kraft der Ernährung“ (The Healing Power of Nutrition)

I like to eat, but I don’t like to cook. But I enjoy being cooked all the more. Fortunately, I have two sisters and friends around me who not only cook excellently, but also love to cook. Despite my lack of love of cooking, I make it a point to eat healthy and as plant-based as possible during the time when no one is cooking for me.

For this reason alone, the new, large-format, high-quality book by Lanserhof Medical Experts, “The Healing Power of Nutrition,” came just at the right time. It contains a lot of interesting information about healthy nutrition, about micro- and macro-nutrients and how our intestines work – and simple recipes that even I can put on my plate.

Cooked from the Lanserhof cookbook

I try with first with something very simple from the cookbook – a spread. My choice is pumpkin carrots with avocado and yogurt with linseed oil. These are all foods that I like to eat. Preparing the vegetables is not witchcraft and is quick: clean, peel, cut carrots, peel and seed the Hokkaido pumpkin. Cook for 10 minutes until soft. then just puree the vegetable pieces together with the oatmeal and linseed oil until smooth. Season with rock salt, bitter spice and grated ginger. Done! Tastes delicious! The preparation took me no more than half an hour. The spread will keep in the refrigerator for about two days. The Mediterranean oven vegetables with feta cheese – another recipe from the cookbook -didn’t take much longer. Just right for me, because I also do not like to stand long in the kitchen.

The fact that the Lanserhof came just now with a health and nutrition book on the market is no coincidence. After the first location in Lans/Austria, the Bavarian Dependance at the Tegernsee opens in May the Lanserhof Sylt a further location. The health resort in the far north is embedded in a unique landscape in the middle of the dunes of List with the exceptional climate of the North Sea. It is the perfect symbiosis for the holistic Lanserhof concept.

On the highest point of the island

The newly constructed buildings on the former officers’ quarters site in the northeast of Sylt include the main building with 55 rooms and suites furnished to a high standard. There is also a spacious spa area with state-of-the-art fitness facilities, saunas, steam baths and an indoor and outdoor saltwater pool with counter-current system. State-of-the-art treatment, consultation and exercise rooms occupy a floor space of 20,000 square feet. Whether fasting, regeneration or energy therapies, natural healing also meets state-of-the-art medicine and diagnostics at Lanserhof on Sylt.

The goal for renowned Düsseldorf architect Christoph Ingenhoven was to create a particularly sustainable and healthy place where guests can recharge their batteries in harmony with nature and at the same time find a place of retreat. Orientation was given to the classic Frisian houses and their thatched roofs in order to achieve a perfect integration of the architecture into the surrounding dune landscape – a central concern of this project, which respects the protected landscape and wildlife. Reduced and timeless is not only the light, open building architecture Reduced and timeless is not only the light, open building architecture with Europe’s largest thatched roof, but also the interior. Harmoniously simple rooms with natural, selected materials. Here, the focus is clearly only on one thing – the holistic relaxation of the guests.

Lanserhof Medical Experts „Die heilende Kraft der Ernährung“* (The Healing Power of Nutrition), Dr. Christian Harisch (Hrsg.), GU Verlag, 288 Seiten, 34 Euro

*This is an affiliated link. You don’t pay more. It is just a little thank you for our team.


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