Why Is Moisturizer A Must In Daily Skin Care?
Why is a moisturizer so important for the skin?
A moisturizer is essential for well-groomed skin. Don’t forget: Part of the water in our body is stored in the skin. It gives the skin its volume and ensures that it looks plump, young, fresh and healthy. If the skin loses moisture due to age or incorrect care, the loss of volume also becomes visually noticeable: It becomes saggy and wrinkled. To prevent this and keep the skin’s moisture content sufficiently high, you should drink as much (water) as possible on the one hand and ensure a rich supply of moisture from the outside on the other – for example by regularly applying a moisturizer.
What exactly is a moisturizer?
It is a cream or lotion whose ingredients increase the moisture content of the skin. This can be necessary for various reasons, for example if the skin is genetically dry or has been exposed to excessive UV radiation. Incorrect skin care, too frequent contact with water, an unhealthy diet (vitamin deficiency) and hormonal changes can also deprive the skin of moisture.
Such products are usually water-based. In order for them to work effectively and fulfill their functions, they should be suitable for the respective skin type and applied 1-2 times a day. For optimal care, it is often recommended to apply the moisturizer immediately after cleansing the skin.
Why is UV protection in moisturizers important?
UV rays can damage the skin acutely in the form of sunburn, but also in the long term. In the long term, they accelerate skin ageing. Pigmentation spots, fine lines and wrinkles form and become more pronounced over time. Excessive UV radiation also increases the risk of skin cancer. UV protection is therefore essential for the skin. A moisturizer with SPF (sun protection factor) contains this UV protection and simplifies the daily skin care routine, as it not only provides the skin with the moisture it needs, but also protects it from harmful sun rays.
What are the main functions of a moisturizer in the skincare routine?
It performs various functions in skin care. The primary function is to moisturize the skin. This is achieved through ingredients that bind water in the skin so that it remains firm and elastic. At the same time, the moisturizing cream strengthens and supports the natural skin barrier, which protects the skin from pollutants and UV radiation. It can only fulfill this protective function if it is in balance and has sufficient moisture. Without moisture, the skin tends to become red and tight, flaky and itchy. Moisture is also needed for the natural regeneration of skin cells. In addition, skin that is well hydrated with moisturizer remains more elastic and is less prone to wrinkling.
What are the benefits of the daily use for skin health?
It ensures that the skin is sufficiently hydrated during the day. This even applies to dry and mature skin, which naturally binds less moisture and therefore has a high moisture requirement. Regular moisturizing maintains the skin’s natural suppleness and elasticity, making it look plumper and healthier. The moisturizer prevents cracking, flaking or itching and protects the skin from UV radiation and other harmful environmental influences in everyday life. Many moisturizers contain soothing ingredients such as aloe vera and help to support natural regeneration and soothe existing skin irritations.
How do you choose the right product for your skin type?
In order to optimally care for your skin, it is important to choose the right moisturizer for your skin type:
Dry skin needs a lot of moisture, which is why rich products are recommended for this skin type, whose ingredients provide intensive moisture and can bind it in the skin for a long time while strengthening the skin barrier. These include hyaluronic acid, glycerine or ceramides.
For oily skin, on the other hand, a cream that moisturizes without overloading the skin or making it too greasy is recommended. Creams with ingredients such as niacinamide or salicylic acid are suitable.
Combination skin needs a good balance between moisture and sebum control. Light lotions or gels are ideal. Alternatively, two different products can be used for the more oily T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and the dry cheeks.
If you have sensitive skin, you should use a product with soothing, hypoallergenic ingredients such as chamomile or aloe vera. The cream should also be free from alcohol, fragrances and other irritating ingredients.
Mature skin needs a cream that not only moisturizes the skin, but ideally also increases its firmness and reduces the signs of aging. Typical products with an anti-ageing effect are creams with hyaluronic acid, retinol and vitamin C.
A moisturizer provides the skin with moisture, strengthens the skin barrier and protects it from harmful environmental influences. It protects it from dryness and can prevent cracking, itching and the signs of premature ageing. To achieve optimum care results, the product should be adapted to the skin type.
Tip: The skin’s needs can change depending on the weather. For this reason, a rich moisturizer is generally recommended in winter and a lotion with a lighter texture in summer. Regardless of this, a moisturizer with UV protection is recommended to protect the skin from harmful UV rays whatever the weather.
C&C-Autorin aus München
Eveline Misini ist seit 2017 leidenschaftliche Online-Redakteurin bei rankeffect, einer Online Marketing Firma aus München. Sie schreibt Glossar- und Blogbeiträge für verschiedene Branchen. Zu ihren Kunden zählen unter anderem Schönheitskliniken und Kosmetikhersteller, sodass sie sich im Bereich Beauty – vor allem in der Gesichtspflege – ein breites Wissen angeeignet hat, das sie gerne mit ihrer Leserschaft teilt.