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Six Beauty Questions about Skin that Affect many Women

As a research doctor in cosmetic dermatology with a Skincare Center in Rotterdam and her own skin care line, Dr. Jetske Ultee has the right answer to every beauty question. Her background: studied medicine at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Then assistant doctor and researcher in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery with a doctorate in 2010. Here, Dr. Ultee insightful answers to beauty questions that interest a lot of women: Beauty question: Can lemon juice really help to lighten pigment spots? Dr. Ultee: You should be careful with self-treatment tips such as citric acid bleaching. This dries out the skin quickly. Citrus extracts can also cause unsightly stains in combination with sunlight. You can even get blisters or burns. So I advise against it. Here’s what you can do to reduce pigment spots:CREAM UV PROTECTION AND WEAR A HATFew of us have pigment spots on our buttocks. After all, it doesn’t get that much sun. If you want to prevent pigment spots, you need to protect yourself from the sun. Put some good sunscreen on, stay in the shade, and wear a hat on hot days. And it’s really never too late to start using sun protection. Treating the pigment spots, however, makes little sense if nothing is done at the same time to prevent them from worsening.CHECK THE CONTENTS OF YOUR MAKE-UP CASE AND MEDICINE CABINETIf you are affected by pigment spots, take a critical look at the ingredients of your cosmetic products. In particular, fragrances and plant extracts or oils such as citrus, orange, bergamot, mandarin, grapefruit, lavender and rosemary can promote the development of pigment spots. It is also essential to take a look in the medicine cabinet, because medicines can also cause unsightly stains in combination with sunlight. Taking these tips to heart is important for everyone, whether you have pigment spots or not. Beauty question: What types of pigment spots are there and can they be treated to disapear? It is important to find out what kind of stains the person actually has. We doctors differentiate:Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – This type of pigmentation is caused by small injuries to the skin. These can be insect bites, abrasions and acne, for example. In people who are susceptible to this, it can also be caused by irritation after peelings, wax treatments or aggressive cosmetic products. These unsightly pigment spots usually fade by themselves. This process can, however, be supported with soothing substances and antioxidants such as liquorice root, niacinamide, vitamin C or azelaic acid.… weiterlesen