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Tested for you: La Vialla’s OliPhenolia Bitter

The Fattoria La Vialla is located in one of the most beautiful spots in Italy, in Tuscany. The more than two hundred year old farm was saved from deterioration in 1978 by the Lo Franco family and rebuilt.Today it houses a certified organic and biodynamic family farm on 1,400 hectares. Wine, olive oil, cheese, antipasti, sauces, pasta and sweets such as cookies and honey are produced (on the largest Demeter-certified area in Europe). And last but not least, the biodynamic olive cosmetics made from OliPhenolia, which also includes a dietary supplement, OliPhenolia Bitter.

Polyphenols, the most valuable from the olive

I was particularly interested in this OliPhenolia product. The bitter from an olive extract and, of course, natural lemon juice lives up to its name: very bitter. Especially in the morning on an empty stomach, it should always be taken away from meals in the morning and evening, it really bothered me in the first few days. But the little jars of 25ml each are emptied quickly and I soon got used to the bitter olive taste. What is contained in it is an olive water extract, which is created during olive pressing. Actually a waste product, but it is particularly rich in polyphenols. OliPhenolia is obtained through a special extraction process developed by the two Italian doctors Daniel and Massimo Pizzichini. There is more than 50mg(!) of hydroxytyrosol in one glass. The phytocomplex therefore contains such a high concentration of oxidation-inhibiting molecules that it is difficult to consume even in a balanced diet. It also affects the carbohydrate and fat metabolism, contributes to normal blood circulation and even blood pressure. Also a perfect boost for our immune system! After 16 days, a cycle that should be repeated 3-4 times a year, I feel fit and healthy. I also find that my skin looks better, which otherwise cannot handle the transition from summer to winter very well.

Oliphenolia Bitter, box with 32 jars of 25ml each, approx. 33 euros

olive water extract

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