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Online Portal “Humanimal” For Human And Animal Health

The online portal “Humanimal” promotes the well-being of dogs, cats & co. and their owners. Anyone who has a pet knows the pain of not getting better despite treatment. This is where the new online portal comes in. The name of the online portal says it all. “Humanimal” is made up of “human” – human – and “animal” – animal. Pet owners are often close to despair when their four-legged friend doesn’t get better despite months of searching for a cure and unsuccessful therapies. Anne-Marie Schmitt has developed a solution and is there to help those affected. Together with Caroline Uelpenich, a teacher, energy work coach and animal communicator, the holistic vet from Lauf a. d. Pegnitz has launched the online portal “Humanimal” for the holistic health of humans and animals. How does the “Humanimal” online portal work and what can users expect? At the heart of “Humanimal” are webinars that deepen the understanding of naturopathy and animal communication and stimulate self-reflection among pet owners. The platform attaches great importance to ensuring that participants not only accumulate knowledge, but are also empowered to act responsibly for their animals and themselves. “Humanimal” integrates unique energetic approaches that are supported by meditations and targeted energy transmissions. The founders’ vision goes beyond simply imparting knowledge. They strive to promote a global awareness of holistic health and naturopathy and have future plans for their own farm with horses, which will serve as a healing place for people and their animals. “Humanimal” is therefore more than just an online portal, it is a movement that promotes the well-being of humans and animals in harmony with nature. Humans and animals – sharing a healthy future The positive development of a pet’s health under professional supervision can have a lasting impact on the owners. They experience emotional relief and joy when they see their beloved four-legged friends recovering. This can contribute to an increased emotional well-being of the owners. The successful recovery of the pet strengthens the owners’ confidence in professional pet health care. The worry and stress associated with their animal companion’s illness can diminish as a result of the positive progress made. The close bond between humans and animals can deepen as owners experience that their efforts and professional support have a positive impact on their pet’s quality of life. A healthy pet can contribute to a more active and positive lifestyle for owners. The process of recovery can also have a learning effect for owners as they learn more about their pet’s needs and care.… weiterlesen