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For more Strength and Stability: 5 Effective Exercises to Get through the Winter healthy

Especially in the cold months you should take good care of your body, because in addition to the ongoing pandemic comes the flu wave. Due to the bad weather and the current home office duty, many people suffer from lack of exercise. However, health expert Alexander Srokovskyi knows what to do. “To strengthen the body in a targeted manner, the defense system, stability and strength can be promoted through special training sessions,” he explains. In the following article, the physiotherapist and expert in pain management explains five exercises that have a positive effect on the body, especially in winter. Train your immune system properly First of all, it is important to know that a short time after starting a training exercise, there is an increase of killer cells in the body. These are important for fighting off cells that have become infected with viruses. At the same time, crucial defense cells are stimulated by the physical activity. In this way, the exercises not only help stabilize the metabolism, heart and circulation, but also boost the immune system. However, care must be taken not to over-exert the body. In principle, sporting activity has a positive effect on the organism. However, if too much training leads to exhaustion, there is a risk of temporary impairment of the body’s defenses. Between three and 72 hours, for example, there may be a higher risk of infections Pay attention to the right amount of training Whether sporting activities have a beneficial effect on the immune system, similar to a vaccination, or whether it proves to be more of a poison, depends on the amount of exercise. For example, if a run is made over hills, it takes two days for the body to regenerate. The amount of white blood cells decreases during this period, which in turn gives pathogenic viruses and bacteria an advantage. Exercise 1: How smart is the body? The first exercise is for an upright posture and should be held for one minute. To do this, the legs are placed shoulder width apart. The arms move a little away from the body, the fingers are spread and stretched. Then it goes slightly into the squatting position. The knees must not protrude above the tips of the toes. If the feeling of tipping in the back direction occurs, it is better to reduce the depth of the squat. Next, tighten the abdomen and buttocks and increase the pressure under the feet.… weiterlesen