Wild Herbs – 3 Superfoods From Nature

Collecting wild herbs is not only fun and an activity in the great outdoors, it also benefits our health. Nutritionist and herb expert Sabine Häberlein explains how to recognize them and what they can do.
Wild herbs are in season right now in spring. May in particular brings us a rich selection of wild herbs. It is the time of fresh spring greenery, new beginnings, growth and renewal. The wild herbs that are now growing so fast we can almost watch them reflect this energy.
Here I introduce you to the three top representatives with three benefits:
- they’re widely available,
- you can easily recognize them and
- they support you if you want to lose weight.
🌱 Goutweed is a true superfood. It contains lots of vitamin C, iron and potassium and is particularly good for detoxifying the body. Its taste is reminiscent of parsley. Use it fresh in salads or process it into delicious soups or pesto.
🌱 Stinging nettle is another wild plant that is often dismissed as a weed. However, it is a real health booster as it contains lots of iron, vitamin C and E. Use it in soups, salads or as a tea. I pick up a fresh nettle leaf every day. It protects me from iron deficiency.
🌱 The dandelion is not only a beautiful flower, but also a medicinal herb. It contains lots of potassium, vitamin C and bitter substances that stimulate the metabolism and digestion. The leaves add a spicy note to salads. The petals with their bright yellow color are not only a pretty decoration for various dishes. They also provide valuable ingredients that stimulate the metabolism and digestion. The leaves add a spicy note to salads.
The wonderful world of plants
Have you ever wondered what’s growing in the meadow on your walks? Do you want to know which of these wild herbs are edible and which you should stay away from? Are you interested in which plants have healing powers?
In these days, we are used to buying our food in the supermarket.
But there is another way. Nature offers a wide range of plants that can enrich our diet. Of course, it is not possible for us all to become self-sufficient. But every now and then a pesto made from garlic rocket or a wild herb salad can complement our food really well. Not only do these dishes taste delicious, they also provide a concentrated load of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals – far more than cultivated plants can.
If you have a garden or balcony, you can also bring wild herbs into your home. Harvesting is then very convenient because you don’t have to go looking for them.
Weed or food?
Garden owners often get upset about weeds. Not me. I have changed my perspective. I am happy about my goutweed in the flower bed. The young leaves are delicious in salads, replace parsley as a spice and make a delicious lemonade. So the motto is: don’t get angry, eat it instead.
Well you’re probably thinking how can I tell whether a plant is edible or poisonous?
I can help you with that. In my courses, I show you exactly which characteristics you need to look out for in order to clearly identify a wild plant. You will find out which poisonous specimens you could possibly confuse it with. We will go into detail about the ingredients and their healing effects. And I’ll tell you interesting facts about old customs. Of course, the culinary side is not neglected either. You can experience all this from the comfort of your own home.
Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of wild plants. You too will soon be fascinated by the exciting flora.
And one final word: I cannot do without the following sentences … I have researched carefully to the best of my knowledge and belief – but I cannot accept any liability. The use of wild herbs is of course no substitute for a visit to the doctor. If you have serious or unclear complaints, please consult your doctor. Allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children should clarify their use as a precaution. You cook my recipes at your own risk.

CultureAndCream author from Munich
As a nutritionist and passionate cook, I am interested in everything that has to do with good food. For me, enjoyment is a priority. As I see it, only when something tastes good can it be good for the body and, after all, the health aspect can’t be neglected. When I am on the road, I love to try local specialities, provided they are vegetarian. More recently I have embarked on an intensive study of wild plants, their traditional healing effects as well as their culinary potential. An exciting field! My other passion is opera, music which simply opens my heart and I attend performances just as often as I possibly can.