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Aloe vera. The Clean9 program says goodbye to the corona pounds. Ingeniously simple!

Feel Better. Look Better. Feel Better. Look Better. This is the slogan for the Aloe Vera Forever Clean9 program. A real fat burner, especially in times of long lockdowns, without the usual training routine in the gym. And the spring cleaning for the organism is also on my agenda. I wanted to lose two kilos I put on during Easter holidays. My sister just cooked too well again. Why did I choose this concept? Because it promises relief for the entire organism and support for the internal cleansing processes and, moreover, it should make the body noticeable again. To be honest, I’ve lost this feeling for myself a little lately.

What I also like about the Clean9 program is that you don’t have to cook or prepare any dishes. Thanks to Corona and Lockdown, I’m happy when I don’t have to stand in the kitchen. I am also a real Aloe Vera fan because of the many benefits for health and well-being of this desert plant. And the Forever Living products are based on Aloe Vera, namely on Aloe Barbadensis Miller the best of the approx. 400 species. 30 million plants grow on the company’s own plantation in the Dominican Republic. The purple box with the Clean9 program will be sent by post. It contains the basic equipment: 2×1 liter Tetra Pak Aloe drink, 1 bag with 15 servings of Ultra Shake Mix (I chose vanilla because I don’t like chocolate), 18 Therm tablets, 54 Garcinia Plus capsules, 9 fiber Pouches, a tape measure and a shaker. And here is the diary our test subject kept during the nine days:

The first day

It’s the Tuesday after Easter. To get in the mood for my cure, I have already canceled dinner the day before. The first two days are very strict. Apart from powders, drinks and capsules, no add-ons are allowed. Breakfast is accordingly meager: 2 softgel capsules with chrome so that the blood sugar level does not drop. Drink at least 240 ml of water. Then I have to pause for 30 minutes until there is 120 ml of the aloe drink, again with 240 ml of water. There should be eight large glasses of water a day. I am brave and drink the aloe gel pure. It just tastes awful like old socks.

I take the Therm-Pressling again with a lot of water. Then I have rest until the morning snack. Snack is a bit of an exaggeration because it is a small sachet of fiber that I stir into water. The special mixture of 5 grams of water-soluble fiber is supposed to promote the feeling of satiety. So far, I’m not really hungry. I’m curious if it stays that way. Lunch again consists of 2 capsules, a 30-minute break, followed by the aloe drink (doesn’t taste better on the second attempt either), a tablet and, as a highlight, the vanilla shake. The powder is mixed with 300 ml of milk, almond, soy or coconut drink. I choose the latter. Good choice, absolutely edible. I am on the phone with a friend who drinks aloe all the time and complain about the disgusting taste. She just laughs and says: “I wouldn’t get it down straight, always mix it with cloudy apple juice and water.” I also do that in the evening when I have to drink 120 ml of aloe again after my soft gel capsules and the same amount again before going to bed . The tip was good!

The second day

He’s as strict as the first. But something has obviously already happened in my body. At six o’clock in the morning (without an alarm clock!) I already feel in top shape and get up well rested. And that after only six hours of sleep, when I usually find it difficult to get out of my bed after eight hours. And I’m actually not hungry all day. Not even hungry for something tasty when I – with my vanilla shaker in hand – watch my husband eat. In the evening the scales show 1 kilo less. I always do my fitness program, which my C9 schedule recommends for the morning, in the evening because I’m just so used to it as a night owl. And it stays that way!

My third day with Aloe Vera

Today I am on the road by car after the capsule-aloe-water-shake-pellet-“breakfast”. For the morning snack, I fill my shaker with 300ml of water and take the fiber sachet with me on tour. Around 11 a.m. I pour the powder from the stick into my shaker in a parking lot. Shake well, drink. Works perfectly. C9 passed the travel test. Today there are even two shakes on the menu, alternatively I can replace one with a 600-calories meal. By the way, men are allowed to consume 200 more calories on days three to nine! I think I’ll stick with my shake tonight too. After a long day at work, I don’t want to have to cut up vegetables on top. All permitted “greenies” such as asparagus, cauliflower, peppers, snow peas and tomatoes should be eaten raw or lightly steamed without fat or oils. I have no desire for that. So instead of having dinner I stay with the second shake and a large glass of water before going to bed.

The fourth through the ninth day

Gradually, routine comes into my schedule, and I’ve gotten used to the aloe taste too. Cravings? Nothing. Only in the morning after getting up do I have a creepy feeling of emptiness in my stomach. The sign of hunger is over immediately after I have taken the morning ration of gel capsules with a large glass of water. I now always invite myself to a meal at noon or in the evening. Meal is a bit exaggerated, rather a meager time – for example a raw red pepper, eight stalks of cooked asparagus or two tomatoes.

In the Clean9 program, almost exclusively green vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, cucumber and spinach are allowed. A highlight for me are 125 grams of raspberries or 75 grams of blueberries. What the permitted fruits and vegetables have in common: They all contain few calories, but are rich in vitamins, minerals, secondary plant substances and fiber. I could actually stop on the fifth day, because I have already reached my 2-kilo-minus goal. But I want the full cleansing effect. You should actually only weigh yourself on days one and nine, because it is well known that the weight can vary from day to day, but I’m just curious. And I continue with my clean program because I feel good – fit, energetic and internally cleansed. At the end of the course I am four kilos lighter. Well, a little buffer can never hurt. The measuring tape also shows positive results: 3 cm less waist, 2 cm less hips.

Conclusion: The Clean9 program is super effective for everyone who wants to do something for their health and fitness. Especially if you want to tackle your corona pounds, you should start right away. Are you also an aloe fan or do you want to try Clean9 or one of the other products. At and the promotion code MyAloeLove-Clean9 you will receive a 10% discount until the end of the year.

Aufmacherfoto: Africa Studio@shutterstock

Aloe Vera

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