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Success Story: From Hair Designer To Renowned Artist

The success story of an impressive woman. People like to be inspired by remarkable role models, and the talented artist Ursula Gerber is undoubtedly one of them.

Her success story is an inspiring life journey. For many years, she ran a thriving business as a hair designer with more than 400 regular customers and was regarded as a sought-after point of contact in her industry. Her remarkable journey from hair salon to renowned artist reveals a fascinating transformation.

In April 2020, Ursula felt the need to do a health check on her body for the first time. Despite always being happy with her health and surviving injuries, this month proved to be a turning point. On April 11, 2020, she went for a stress ECG at 4.30 pm with a specialist in Berlin, whose practice was located near Tempelhof Airport – a place for leisure activities and cultural experiences alike.

She happily sat down on the grass and jumped because the exercise ECG showed good values. During one of these jumps, she slipped into a hole and injured herself on dirt and stones. Two days later, Ursula went to see her general practitioner and coronavirus specialist, who carried out tests at Charité and was on the coronavirus vaccination committee. While putting on her shoes, she noticed redness on her leg and asked the doctor to take a quick look at it.

Success story with a painful beginning

The doctor immediately admitted Ursula to the intensive care unit. The route led via the emergency ward, and it took a while to find a room during the corona period. The conditions in the emergency ward were catastrophic and Ursula felt completely isolated. Fortunately, she was given a single room due to her comprehensive insurance. Although the doctors confirmed that she was doing well, her injuries deteriorated rapidly. Ursula’s leg became more and more red, blisters formed, and within a very short time a type of erysipelas developed.

The doctors were aware of this unusual case. The only effective treatment was penicillin, which Ursula started immediately. Unfortunately, the penicillin injections were not accepted by her veins and so she was transferred to the intensive care unit. Despite days of effort, the medication had no effect. On the contrary, the situation deteriorated constantly, accompanied by terrible pain, immobility of the leg and numerous therapies. No success story in sight yet!

The ordeal lasted several weeks, during which Ursula experienced panic-stricken fears. Weekly visits from the professor, accompanied by specialists and doctors, but there was no improvement. 

Ursula’s sister was not allowed to visit her during the coronavirus period, but she sent her a drawing pad to her hospital room. During this time, she began to paint and it turned out to be a miracle. During the night, the needle remained in her vein and the blood absorbed the penicillin. While painting, Ursula felt a deep healing.

The emergence of the Lilith women

Her recovery lasted for weeks, while she had regular check-ups at the clinic. The Lilith women she painted during this time not only became an important part of her healing, but also a source of comfort, strength and happiness for other people in the world.

Lilith was the first wife of Adam, she stood as his equal. She embodies independence, self-determination and freedom by not subordinating herself and confidently asserting her needs and desires. Lilith symbolizes female strength and power. Because of her refusal to submit to Adam, she left paradise and flew as far as the Red Sea. Despite God’s efforts to bring her back, she refused as she did not want to live with a man who did not recognize her equality.

Angel wings on canvas

Ursula’s success story began when she conjured up angel wings on canvas. Without giving it much thought, she began to paint a Lilith woman with a single stroke. At that time, she was still unfamiliar with the term “Lilith”. She herself was surprised by what she had drawn.

On the nights when she couldn’t sleep, Ursula filled books with these Lilith dolls, as she called them at the time. Three weeks later she was able to leave the hospital, but for another six months she had to have weekly check-ups at the clinic. During this time, she continued to take penicillin, but day by day, hour by hour, things got better. Ursula felt that everything was going to be fine.

Painting from her bed at home

These inexplicable drawings prompted her to work with psychologists, a brain researcher, a client from Hamburg and a psycho-oncology doctor. During this time, she also drew many colorful pictures of her home in bed, as she was not allowed to move her leg. Friends cared for her during the day while her husband worked. Ursula was grateful to have good people by her side who supported her during this phase and accompanied her therapeutically.

The Lilith women she painted became a significant part of her healing and eventually a source of comfort, empowerment and happiness for others in the world. At first, the Lilith women seemed bizarre, and Ursula never thought they could one day do good for other people. But the confirmation from experts, whether in the academic or medical field, that this was a miracle was overwhelming for her.

Overwhelming feedback

The response to the Lilith women was overwhelming. People to whom she gave them or who bought them found support, inspiration and love in the posters. A well-known street photographer, Jens Kruse, even suggested that not only women, but also men should have a Lilith.

Ursula Gerber’s success story shows how an unexpected crisis can unleash not only physical but also creative powers. The Lilith women, born out of the darkness of their health crisis, now shine as a source of inspiration and positive energy for the world.

In the meantime she is a renowned Swiss artist. As a powerful ambassador of art, she supports people in shaping a self-confident and self-determined life through creative forms of expression. Her aim is to help people achieve a greater sense of happiness, freedom and colorful liveliness and to unleash their creativity.

Cover photo @Christian Schneegaß

art, success story

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