Testet for you: Grn „Anti-Wrinkle Mask“

The name reads a bit awkward: GRN, because the “ü” has been replaced by a leaf. The German word „grün“ means „green“ in English. The design makes sense when you know that it is a certified organic cosmetics brand from Germany that only came onto the market last year. Now I’ve got it too. I like that all Grün Elements masks are packed in handy pouches with a practical screw cap. This not only saves waste compared to conventional tubes and pots, but is also perfect when traveling. Apply mask and close again. There are three variants: Calm & Clear with yellow clay against impurities, hydration with honey & hemp for dry skin and rejuvenation with grape & olive for firming. The three can also be used for multimasking in order to tailor them precisely to the current needs of the various areas of the face. Especially those who have to wear the protection face mask for many hours every day know the problem that the region in the mouth and chin area reacts differently than, for example, on the cheeks. For me personally, however, this is too much “blotchy” on the face, so I limit myself to the latter for demanding skin.
The smell test first
The mask smells pleasantly “green”. I smell more grapes than olives, but the beeswax is the most intense. The texture is pleasantly rich and creamy. It is easy to spread and is so extensive that the resealable 40ml sachet is safely sufficient for four applications on the face and décolleté. I leave out the eye and mouth area. The mask is not tight on the skin, but you can tell that something is happening under the layer of cream. After a good 10 minutes, the skin has already absorbed it in many places. I remove the remains with a damp cloth. The complexion is even, feels soft and slightly plumped up. It’s just a shame that the beautiful result cannot be preserved longer than a day. But unfortunately that doesn’t work with any cosmetic product.
Grn „Anti-Wrinkle Maske“ , 40 ml, ca. 6 Euro
biological skin care, face mask

CultureAndCream Author from Munich
To travel during my profession as a beauty journalist was never enough for my. Also my six month on a world trip didn’t do it. It always attracts me to other cities, foreign countries, on roadtrips and places I don’t know yet. But I am not only interested in “culture” and “cream”, I am also fascinated by people who have stories to tell . Such unique experiences I want to share with you.