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Tested for you: „Detoxing Body Oil“ from Pharmos Natur

Today a body oil: With recommendations it is always such a thing. Especially when they go into the health area. So-called health claims may not be made by the companies, so many good “side effects” of products often remain hidden. One such case is the product we’re talking about here today. An exception at #me, because it is not entirely new and has been part of my basic equipment in the beauty wardrobe for about two years, so I have not tested especially for this. What I wrote here, is therefore rather a real experience report.

The Body Oil Testt

Actually, my therapist always uses Pharmos Natur’s “Detoxing Body Oil” in the signature body treatment “Vegeto-Dynamik”, a holistic body treatment developed by Pharmos founder Margot Esser. A kind of journey to oneself. The oil is said to complement the effects of massage, regenerating skin and tissue, decongesting, detoxifying, as well as reducing swelling. It is also recommended for cellulite. The combination of immortelle, laurel, cypress, juniper and lemon oils is responsible for its effect. In addition, the oil of black sesame. It belongs to the sacred plants, the plants that according to Pharmos philosophy can store a lot of light energy and give energy.

Beneficial “side effect“

The oil is easy to apply and immediately unfolds the tangy-fresh scent, which, however, does not drown out everything. It absorbs well, but not so quickly that you could no longer massage with it. In the treatment is lavishly dealt with it. At home, I take significantly less – and I also do not apply it to the whole body.

But very targeted: When I need more lightness in the legs after a long hike or shopping tour and also – attention, now it’s medical – when I have bumped or sprained something. I discovered the latter rather accidentally when I had neither cold pack nor cooling ointment at hand and applied the oil after an encounter of my knee with the stairs. Since then, I have always noticed: bruises and swellings disappear faster, in mild cases already the next day, or they do not appear at all.

Fazit: Ausprobieren! Bei mir wirkt’s.

“Detoxing Body Oil” von Pharmos Natur, 63 ml, ca. 87 Euro

body oil

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