Recognize Symptoms Of Burnout in Employees At An Early Stage
Identifying and naming burnout in business at an early stage is part of relaxed corporate management. Silke Raab-Brock, graduate in business administration, expert in burnout prevention and author, gives a brief analysis of exhaustion and burnout in the business environment.
Burnout trap – The expert sees self-care, personal development and benevolent leadership as a key to prevention and solutions. Mental strength and motivation are important virtues in a business context. However, when these are combined with outdated, encrusted structures and an environment of unreflective interaction, the most capable managers and employees can burn out.
In the working environment, it is important to recognize symptoms of exhaustion and burnout at an early stage and to take preventative measures where possible. Managers must therefore be able to recognize and resolve the subtle mechanisms in their company that can lead to a culture of exhaustion in good time.
In this article, Silke Raab-Brock provides an overview of the first warning signs and helpful approaches to holistic preventative measures. These include individual self-care as well as changes to the company structure, environment and management if necessary.
Exhaustion and burnout: the limits and their meaning
The transition from temporary exhaustion to serious burnout is fluid and often difficult to recognize, so early warning signs should not be ignored. A phase of exhaustion is usually temporary and can be quickly compensated for by a recovery period. Burnout, on the other hand, can be thought of as a chronic state of exhaustion.
All physical, mental and emotional energy stores are empty. Serious mental and physical illnesses now meet with little resistance. It is said that it takes about as long to cure a burnout as it took to develop. This can be months, even years. Sometimes there is no cure at all, especially if burnout recurs. It is therefore crucial to react in good time and take preventative measures!
Recognizing symptoms: physical, mental and emotional warning signals
The first signs of exhaustion occur at various levels. Physical symptoms such as tiredness and headaches can occur as well as mental signs of forgetfulness and concentration problems. Emotional exhaustion often manifests itself first through mood swings and irritability as well as a lack of motivation and an inner distance from work.
As a rule, states of exhaustion make themselves felt on different levels at the same time. As people usually have several “construction sites at once”, the symptoms must be seen in the overall context, i.e. in the private and professional context. If states of exhaustion occur more frequently and even small additional tasks become a disproportionately large burden, it is high time to take countermeasures. .
Root cause analysis: the complex reasons for exhaustion in business
The causes of exhaustion are just as varied as the people and situations themselves. In the business environment in particular, factors such as high performance requirements, pressure, multi-tasking, control, excessive bureaucracy, too much screen time, lack of appreciation and long working hours all play a role. Strictly hierarchical corporate structures are antiquated and no longer fit in with modern times and future generations.
Such structures are a veritable breeding ground for exhaustion at all levels of the hierarchy. Understanding corporate goals and employee needs not as opposites, but as an opportunity for successful further development in a changing business world, is a first step
Early warning system: supporting yourself and others
Recognizing signs of exhaustion, both in yourself and in others, is an important step in preventing burnout. Managers have a special responsibility here for themselves and their employees. Their role model function plays a key role here. Those who are constantly available and do not allow themselves any breaks, believe they have to control everything and do not give themselves or others the opportunity for personal development are setting unhealthy standards.
On the other hand, open, respectful interaction on an equal footing can help to counteract symptoms of stress such as tiredness, forgetfulness and irritability in good time. Support within the company, family and well-functioning social networks as well as professional help from coaches and therapists are of crucial importance.
Self-help and structural changes: Ways out of the culture of exhaustion
Quick action and a willingness to change on the part of everyone involved are essential in order to overcome states of exhaustion. Individual self-help measures such as conscious recovery phases and a healthy lifestyle are just as important as structural changes in the company. A benevolent management culture that focuses on the physical, mental and emotional health of employees and is not limited to the famous fruit basket at reception is of central importance.
External support: professional help on the road to health
For far-reaching transformation – individually and at company level – external support and professional advice is highly recommended. At a time when personal requirements and internal company structures are becoming increasingly complex, it is crucial not to get bogged down or merely scratch the surface.
Business administration graduate and burnout prevention expert Silke Raab-Brock offers, for example, individual coaching sessions as well as training courses, seminars and lectures on burnout prevention. Her holistic approach not only takes into account the health of individuals, but also includes company structures, successful teams and management culture. Personal lifestyle with nutrition, exercise and the ability to relax are just as important as appreciative communication at all levels.
C&C Autorin aus Geisenheim-Johannisberg
Diplom-Betriebswirtin Silke Raab-Brock ist Expertin für Burnout-Prävention, Buchautorin und vereint als zertifizierte Bewusstseinstrainerin (Access Consciousness®) und Ernährungsberaterin (DNI®) tiefes Fachwissen mit einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz. Weltweit und in ihrem Institut Nutrigenius® bietet sie transformative Einzel-Sessions, Seminare und Vorträge an, die sich auf körperliches, geistiges und seelisches Wohlbefinden konzentrieren. Ihr innovatives Programm “Be Empowered to Nurture Your Life”, Zertifikatskurse, Führungskräfte-Trainings und Retreats schaffen einzigartige Wege zur persönlichen Transformation.