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Tested for you: Collagen capsules from „BioSil”


When it comes to food supplements, I’m extremely skeptical. Does my body really need this external support? And the products actually keep what they promise. Why I tried “BioSil” despite my concerns was due to the condition of my fingernails at that time. Although I haven’t changed anything in my diet, lifestyle or even my nail care, the tips began to splinter badly a few months ago. The small, transparent collagen capsules promised to put an end to this disaster.

2-in-1 collagen capsules

With an active complex that is secretly called ch-OSA, the collagen, keratin and elastin levels in the body are supposed to increase. And that with a 2-in-1 effect. Means: Not only is the new production of collagen stimulated, but also existing collagen and elastin are better protected from natural breakdown. It is the only active ingredient contained in the capsules. The other two ingredients are purified water and microcrystalline cellulose (vegetable fiber). Immediately after ingestion, the ch-OSA complex should be released into the blood and taken up by the collagen-producing cells for further processing in order to make more collagen and elastin available to the entire body.

Easy to swallow

First hand I found the small size of the vegan liquid capsules very pleasant compared to many other food supplements. One of the transparent capsules filled with liquid is taken in the morning and one in the evening. I religiously followed the rules. I waited anxiously for the first month to pass and for my splintered nails – as promised by the manufacturer – to show improvement. Nothing significant happened. But I stayed tuned. I’m probably a late bloomer. Because after about six weeks I was pleased to see that my nails had become much more stable and firm. Nothing chipped off at the tips.

Results over 12 months

And something else struck me positively. My left shoulder joint problems from a mountain bike accident have decreased. However, the instruction leaflet of the collagen capsules states that joint problems, increased mobility and mobility as well as an improvement in the condition of the cartilage, as proven by a clinical study by the University of Antwerp (Belgium), only occur after three months of use. And I only have eight weeks behind me. For this reason alone, I keep swallowing the capsules.

And more should happen in the coming months: The increase in collagen in the body should increase skin elasticity and thus reduce wrinkles and lines (after 4-5 months), improve hair quality (after 9 months) and activate the production of bone collagen and thereby improved bone density in the hip are promised after 12 months. I have seldom held a test that long. But this time I’m sticking to it. Promised!

BioSil“ Vegan Liquid Capsules, 60 Stück, approximately 38 US$

collagen capsules

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