Craftsmen urgently wanted

In the winter cold, a window pane cracked in our apartment directly above the patio door. It needs to be replaced. The renovation of the bathroom, more precisely the shower, is also a long and urgent task. But thanks to Covid, craftsmenship is obviously booming now. In my next life I’ll be one too, I already know that.
I understand that the craftsmen have a lot to do at the moment, and I’m happy for them too. What I don’t understand is the arrogance with which they get rid of you. Because of a single pane of glass – ten would have to be replaced in the entire property by now – no, it’s not worth it, you hear there. Sure, major construction sites bring in more money. But it’ll be finished at some point. And then you need us little ones again, dear craftsmen.
Promises and then?
Hurray. Finally found a tiler through relationships who signals the time and obviously also the desire for the job. He says he can come next week. Two or three days – the work couldn’t take longer. He seems competent and also well versed in matters of installation. A glimmer of hope for our bathroom. We selected the tiles, the sanitary requirements in the village are also willing to deliver. They even replaced the two toilets in the apartment a few months ago.
Our tiler wants to be contacted via WhatsApp. Allright! So I send him the photo of the tiles and the address of the dealer. Locally resident, so no long journey for him. Still – no reaction. I wait a few days, you don’t want to be a nuisance, and ask – again via WhatsApp – whether he had ordered the tiles and when he would start with us in the bathroom. No answer this time either.
A craftsmen saves the honour of the guild
So much ignorance, not to say arrogance, makes me angry. I also give feedback when a customer asks me, or I cancel an appointment if something doesn’t work. For me it is an act of courtesy and respect for the other person. But that seems to have gone out of fashion today. In any case, four weeks have already passed since the declaration of will to be able to start right away next week. A major order probably got in the way here too…
But I would also like to break a lance for the craftsmen’s guild. There was one person who pleasantly surprised me – a painter. The sympathetic Pole painted our living/dining room and the integrated kitchen in the spring – quickly, effectively and cleanly. Afterwards, no cleaning crew had to be chased through and I was not forced to laboriously scratch blobs of paint from the parquet and the door frames. He mastered even the trickiest task that I posed to him. I wanted to have a wall covered with a rather thick green wallpaper with crocodile embossing. A Sisyphean task to get the connections of the wallpaper rolls in such a way that a uniform pattern is created. Thank you for that, dear painter! I’ll be happy when he comes back and repaints also our bathroom – provided the shower is ever ready.

CultureAndCream Author from Munich
To travel during my profession as a beauty journalist was never enough for my. Also my six month on a world trip didn’t do it. It always attracts me to other cities, foreign countries, on roadtrips and places I don’t know yet. But I am not only interested in “culture” and “cream”, I am also fascinated by people who have stories to tell . Such unique experiences I want to share with you.