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Sniff the scent of the people you miss!

Berlin perfumer Marie Urban-Le Febvre gives us some very unique tips, how we can feel closer to people who are close to our hearts: just sniff their scent! An extraordinarily beautiful idea.

In this difficult times, especially with its limitations, I also miss my beloved ones deeply! While the technology enables us to hold online meetings, we can at least see each other, have a chat, or virtually “have a drink” together. But an important dimension is missing – especially for me as a perfumer, since there is so much to do with scents and smell in life. In order to at least have an illusion of the scent of others, I use a few tricks. It’s not the same thing, of course, but it helps at least a little.

Smell samples and perfumed letters

If possible, I go to a perfumery and sniff the perfumes of my mother, father or friends. I even have small samples of the favorite scents of some very special people in my collection. This way I can at least create a little more closeness and inspire my memory. I have just received mail from a dear friend, and her stationery smells wonderful. In this way my grandmother always gave her letters an extra personal touch. She just sprayed her perfume on the writing paper. That may sound a little old-fashioned now. But so it was always a special experience for me to first open the envelope, then read her handwriting while I smelled her unique fragrance. For a moment I had the impression that she was standing next to me. While reading I could even hear the sound of her voice. A simple, an analog trick and a magical effect in this very different world of today.

Marie’s Biography

Marie Urban-Le Febvre is French and has spent most of her life in Paris. Her very special sense of smell was noticed early on. As a result, she attended various fragrance trainings while still at school. After studying chemistry, Marie graduated from ISPICA, the most renowned school for perfumery in Versailles. After her extensive training, Marie worked for international perfume houses and refined her skills with the masters of the perfume craft. Since 2014 she has been creating fragrances for her own collection “Urban Scents” in her Berlin laboratory as well as tailor-made perfumes for customers. In addition, she supports other brands with their creative potential and knowledge and is dedicated to fragrance projects for exhibitions as well as science and research. In her fragrances, Marie combines her classic perfume know-how with the unique spirit of vibrant, multicultural Berlin. She is a member of the SIPC, Society Internationale des Parfumeurs Créateurs.

customized perfumes, fragrance tips, perfumer, Urban Scents

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