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Osteoarthritis – These Foods Prevent Diseases

Diseases such as osteoarthritis and diabetes are not only occurring much more frequently, they are also affecting younger and younger people. Among other things, this can be attributed to an increasingly unhealthy lifestyle. Certain foods can protect the body from diseases. You can find out what these are here.

He is not only an expert of osteoarthritis. Daniel Harbs is a doctor who specializes in good nutrition. He is sure that you can not only support your own body with the right diet, but even prevent diseases. He also proves this in his book “Immune, fit and healthy – without medication”. He says: “There are not only foods that can trigger diseases. Other foods, for example, have an anti-inflammatory effect and thus provide relief from osteoarthritis.“

Osteoarthritis – definition and physiological causes

Our joints wear out over time: The cartilage in the joints, which cushions movements and prevents bones from rubbing against each other, declines with age, while the production of synovial fluid decreases. If the wear and tear progresses too quickly, this has painful consequences – osteoarthritis develops.

Such wear and tear is associated with a limited range of motion and pain during certain movements of the joint. If this is not counteracted in time, the effectiveness of non-surgical treatment options declines until a joint prosthesis is the last option. But this can be prevented by proper nutrition and the intake of important vitamins and minerals.

Relief and prevention through substances that occur naturally in the body

Although the wear and tear of the joints cannot be prevented entirely, everyone can slow it down considerably by taking certain measures. It doesn’t always have to be the dreaded “drug cudgel”. Rather, natural, endogenous substances can provide relief and prevent the development of symptoms.

Hyaluronic acid plays a key role in this process. It is part of the synovial fluid and is normally produced in the cartilage and synovial membrane. If production decreases, hyaluronic acid can be injected into the joint or ingested via food and dietary supplements.

Medical preparations against arthrosis – what to consider

In such products, hyaluronic acid is usually offered in combination with other active ingredients such as chondroitin and glucosamine, which also counteract osteoarthritis. For example, chondroitin promotes collagen synthesis and the formation of the body’s own hyaluronic acid, while glucosamine regulates inflammatory processes and prevents cartilage recession. To ensure that these substances reach the joint in the best possible way, they should be taken as sulfate compounds. In addition, sulfur can be supplied in the form of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).

This has a similar effect to known painkillers in that it inhibits the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is partly responsible for inflammation. In addition to the intake of preparations, however, attention should always be paid to proper nutrition: Fresh vegetables and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring should not be missing from the menu due to their good omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the consumption of meat should be reduced and finished products should be completely avoided. In this way, preparations can also optimally unfold their effect.

Endogenous pain relievers and natural extracts instead of prescription drugs

Since all these substances are endogenous substances, they are suitable as an alternative to the medicinal treatment of osteoarthritis. MSM in particular even fulfills additional functions: Studies have also shown that MSM alleviates allergies.

Complementary preparations of frankincense and African devil’s claw can help alleviate musculoskeletal complaints. In studies, the former was able to relieve the pain of joint inflammation and knee arthritis when extracts were taken in capsule form. Likewise, the effectiveness of devil’s claw in musculoskeletal disorders, back pain and loss of appetite has been confirmed many times since the 1950s.

Myth of bed rest – why it is better not to take it too easy

In the past, patients with osteoarthritis were often advised to avoid physical exertion at all. However, it is now known that this is wrong – in the worst case, it is even detrimental to healing. Exercise not only promotes metabolism and stimulates circulation, but also ensures that the joints receive the nutrients they need to recover in the best possible way.

Together with the right diet, exercise thus helps to accelerate healing, provided it is tailored to individual needs. Anyone who would also like to find out what their vitamin and mineral status is can have a whole blood analysis carried out by a specialist doctor.

osteoarthritis, Prävention

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