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Tag: perfume

Buy Perfume by Mouse Click – Does it Really Work?

Online sales figures have now also risen in the perfume sector. But does that really work if you want to buy a fragrance that you’ve never smelled before? Fragrance search engines or fragrance finders are supposed to help you avoid making the wrong purchase. The global market volume for perfume is estimated at around 46.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. The proportion of fragrances sold online is just as high as in bricks-and-mortar retail. It averages around 40 percent. But who is the target group for online fragrance order? “It makes sense, for example, for people who reorder their perfume,” says Martin Ruppmann, Managing Director of the Association of Distributors of Cosmetic Products (VKE). One would assume that mainly people in rural regions would use the option of online platforms so as not to have to travel to the city specifically. This is contradicted by the experience of Berlin-based start-up Flaconi, which says it was able to triple its sales last year: “Rural dwellers may have further distances to travel, but big city dwellers have less time.” Avoid Internet mis-purchases Shopping online is convenient and saves time. To avoid disappointment when choosing a new perfume, it is important to choose a reputable online store. Especially in digital perfume shopping, it is easy to fall for fakes. Especially via platforms such as Amazon and Ebay, third-party dealers, usually based abroad, offer alleged brand fragrances at a lower price. At first glance, a well-made fake is often not even recognizable as such. Not at all in photos, because the packaging and logo are sometimes perfectly copied. And as far as the online platform is concerned, it offers no guarantee whatsoever that the product delivered to your home is actually an original one. What you then hold in your hand and spray onto your skin is often not only visually different from the original. It smells different and sometimes also contains inferior ingredients that can cause skin irritations and allergies. Not only industry giants like Douglas or Sephora sell their perfumes online. In times of pandemic, even many small perfumeries have established an online store. If you want to support companies that you are not familiar with, you should check the imprint in each case before ordering. It is crucial that the company’s registered office shows a real, stationary address. This is not only mandatory for every online store in Germany, but also makes it less costly to return the perfume if you are not satisfied.… weiterlesen

Dance of the molecules

Smelled a thousand times, maybe even right now. And yet we mostly don’t know their names. Synthetic fragrances, the molecules, are the big players in perfume creation. And quite literally: Without them, a playful, sometimes provocative approach to fragrance design is inconceivable. Many of the great classics would not exist without them. Because the synthetic fragrance molecules are not an invention from today’s tech labs: A molecule called “Coumarin” was used for the first time in 1882 in the “Fougère Royale” fragrance. Also “No. 5” from Chanel would not have this impact without the aldehydes and what would “Shalimar” from Guerlain be without its typical note, which comes from ethyl vanillin. The New York label Nomenclature celebrates these molecules in a special way. Culture & Cream author Margit Hiebl spoke to one of the founders, Karl Bradl (whom she still knows from his days in Munich). Where does the name “Nomenclature” come from?From the Latin nomenclatura (“calling by name, assigning of names”), from nomen (“name”) + calare (“call”)\ the act of naming\ the system, set of terms or symbols used in a particular science, discipline or art. What’s the idea behind?In the commercial and even in the niche perfume world, nobody ever spoke of molecular ingredients back when we started the brand. With Nomenclature we wanted to bring attention to the ingredients that are responsible in adding the magic to the fragrance creations. Nomenclature celebrates design in perfume chemistry by showcasing today’s most inspiring, exclusive molecules – so exclusive that some, known as “captives”, are zealously guarded by fragrance companies. What’s so special about the molecules, that are focused by Nomenclature?With the Nomenclature creations we highlighted some of the most important molecules that influenced past decades in the perfume market. For example: Hedione used in “Efflor_esce” was first synthesized in 1962 and is an active ingredient in Dior’s “Eau Sauvage” which came out in 1966. “Fluo_ral” highlights „Calone“, which went on to spawn the most iconic fragrance family of the 90s: the aquatic fragrances. Or Coumarin, which we used in “Psy_cou”: Coumarin was the very first molecule that allowed perfumers to cut loose from the past and venture into modern abstraction. First used in 1882 in the groundbreaking “Fougère Royale” – this synthetic marvel ignited a new era of artistic expression. Named after kumarĂš, the word for the tonka bean tree in Tupi, an Amazonian language. Coumarin is not only the primal source of modern perfumery, it is still a primary material in the fragrance industry.… weiterlesen