Search Results for “vitamin C,

Vitamin C, the immune booster

Especially now in autumn, the water-soluble vitamin is back in fashion because it strengthens the immune system. And in the current Corona times, it is even more in demand. Vitamin C also protects and supports the skin. But not everyone can take it. Have you ever heard of a vitamin C allergy or intolerance? Neither do I until I got it. To be more precise, I reacted extremely badly to ascorbic acid, as vitamin C is also called. It started with the fact that every time I took pain pills that combined acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) with ascorbic acid, I got thick puffiness under my eyes. If I ate too many foods containing vitamin C, I felt sick and the toilet became my best friend. Often times I wasn’t even aware of an overdose. Because vitamin C is not only found in fruits and fresh vegetables, where one suspects it. It is also used as an additive in many products, such as sausages and meat products, to make them more durable and prevent discoloration. Because ascorbic acid reduces the formation of free radicals, which can arise from the oxygen in the air. So it’s a natural antioxidant. Unfortunately, I didn’t succeed much better with vitamin C in cosmetics either. Instead of glow and long-lasting moisture, redness and pustular appearances adorned my face. And what does the dermatologist say? Dr. Hans Peter Schoppelrey, dermatologist and allergist at the „Haut- und Laser Zentrum“ in Munich, promptly provided me with confirmation that one can actually be allergic to vitamin C. “It’s true,” he says. “But for the medical professionals it was rather a surprising finding that some people develop intolerance and even allergies to vitamin C taken orally. However, many products today contain industrially produced, high-dose vitamin C. In the event of an overdose, the vitamin is excreted in the urine because it is water-soluble, but some of it can be stored on the passage through the intestine.“ And because vitamin C also travels through the kidneys, problems with an overdose can occur, especially in people with underactive kidneys. Oxalic acid is then increasingly formed in the kidneys, which promotes the formation of kidney stones. And how does an allergic reaction manifest itself? “With bitches on the tongue, gas and diarrhea,” explains Schoppelrey. “Perioral dermatitis can occur around the mouth.“ How can you tell when it is better to avoid cosmetics containing vitamin C? Schoppelrey: “Vitamin C on the skin can cause two reactions.… weiterlesen

Vitamin D: The 6 Most Common Errors

Vitamin D wird im Körper durch die Sonneneinstrahlung und die Ernährung gewährleistet. Falsch! Über keine Substanz im Körper gibt es so viele Irrtümer und Fehleinschätzungen wie bei Vitamin D (wissenschaftlich Vitamin D3). Hier sind die sechs wichtigsten Mythen: Irrtum 1: Gesunde Ernährung sichert den Vitamin-D-Spiegel Vitamin D wird im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Vitaminen nicht vorwiegend über die Ernährung aufgenommen. Es wird zum größten Teil durch die UVB-Strahlen der Sonne in der Haut produziert. Deshalb ist allein die Sonnenexposition für eine ausreichende Menge Vitamin D im Körper entscheidend. Und die erreicht man in den seltensten Fällen. Irrtum 2: Über die Sonne nimmt man genug auf Die Sonneneinstrahlung reicht bei uns in Mitteleuropa nicht aus. Selbst im Sommer ist der Anteil des UVB-Spektrums der Sonne nur zwischen 11 und 16 Uhr hoch genug. Das sind aber genau die Zeiten, in denen man sich nicht in der prallen Sonne aufhalten sollte. Aber das Vitamin kann nur bei direkter Bestrahlung auf die nackte Haut produziert werden. Und das am besten im Liegen, weil dann der Einfallswinkel der Lichtstrahlen optimal ist. Aus diesen Gründen sind viele Menschen nicht ausreichend mit Vitamin D versorgt. Im Winter, und der dauert bei uns nun mal fünf Monate, sieht es noch schlechter aus. In den Ländern über dem 42. Breitengrad (oberhalb von Rom) steht die Sonne zwischen Oktober und März so tief, dass zu wenig UV-Strahlen durchkommen. Irrtum 3: Im Winter versorgt sich der Körper mit den Vorräten aus dem Sommer Auch das funktioniert leider nicht so, denn der Vitamin-D-Spiegel fällt bereits nach etwa acht Wochen stark ab. Daher sind fast 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung im Winter mit dem wichtigen Vitamin unterversorgt. Starke Schwankungen wirken sich jedoch auf den gesamten Körper aus, weshalb im Winter beispielsweise Entzündungswerte im Blut ansteigen. Die bekannteste Funktion von Vitamin D ist die Beteiligung am Knochenstoffwechsel. So fördert es die Aufnahme (Resorption) von Calcium und Phosphat aus dem Darm sowie deren Einbau in den Knochen und nimmt damit eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Knochenmineralisierung ein. Inzwischen wird Vitamin D von Wissenschaftlern auch als Hormon bezeichnet (Vitamin D Hormon), da es das Ablesen hormonsensitiver Gene reguliert. Der Vitamin-D-Spiegel nimmt außerdem Einfluss auf die Produktion und das Ausschütten der Schilddrüsenhormone sowie die Sekretion von Insulin. Eine ausreichende und stabile D-Versorgung sollte deshalb das ganze Jahres sichergestellt werden. Irrtum 4: 1000 IE (Internationale Einheiten) pro Tag reichen aus Diese Menge galt jahrelang als offizielle Empfehlung. Mehrere Studien konnten mittlerweile belegen, dass bei dieser Berechnung des Vitamin-D-Bedarfs statistische Fehler begangen wurden, die den tatsächlichen Bedarf um den Faktor 10 zu niedrig angesetzt haben.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: „Vitamin C Booster“ from Noble Panacea

Vitamin C plays a major role not only in nutrition. It has also become indispensable in skin care. Of course, because it is the top active ingredient when it comes to the coveted glow. But not only that -the water-soluble vitamin is one of the most important cell protectors. “Vitamin C as a serum can support sun protection and prevent pigmentation disorders,” confirms Munich dermatologist Dr. Christian Merkel to me. He therefore recommends that I also apply a vitamin C serum in the morning before sun protection, for example. I’m looking forward to my test product, the “Vitamin C Booster” from Noble Panacea. The Test The product I’m testing contains more than 20 percent stabilized pure ascorbic acid, as well as other natural sources of vitamin C such as acerola, camu camu and cockatoo plum. Unfortunately, this is not fully developed in many products, because the vitamin C is sensitive to light and air and thus loses much of its potential. In Noble Panacea, however, a special technology (OSMV) is said to take effect, encapsulating the active ingredient and thus protecting it. It also allows the the water-soluble vitamin to be delivered to the skin not all at once, but continuously throughout the day. This also multiplies the effect. 20 percent sounds quite a lot, and I know that vitamin C can also irritate the skin. Since my skin is very sensitive, I am therefore cautious. I first test in the crook of my arm. As there is no redness in the evening, I start my 30-day cure the next morning. And indeed: no redness, no tension, actually my skin feels quite good. Afterwards, I apply my usual care with SPF 50, as I do every day. I don’t quite trust the peace yet, so I slowly increase the dose. First I use the vitamin C product only every other day, but after a week I use it every day. Conclusion: My sensitive skin tolerated the vitamin C serum perfectly. And already looks really fresher after a few days. And the glow? Yes, that also appears gradually. Does it also reduce pigmentation spots? I can’t say, because I don’t have any on my face. But an extract of white pine bark promises to support the vitamin in this job as well. But I found other plus points: The product is a perfect travel companion because it’s packaged in small sachets that contain a generous single serving.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: „Vegan Vitamin D3“ from Foondiert

Dietary supplements like Vitamin D3 are currently flooding the market. But which ones do you need, and which ones don’t you need? And what is the bioavailability of the individual products, can the body utilize them at all? These are questions that no one can answer conclusively for most dietary supplements. That always leaves me a bit frustrated. Vitamin D3, the sun vitamin The situation is different with vitamin D3, the so-called sun vitamin. Around 80 to 90 percent of the daily requirement is formed through the skin under the influence of sunlight. The rest must be supplied – via food, but only a few contain vitamin D (e.g. egg yolk, mushrooms, cheese), or via NEMs. Therefore, this supplement makes perfect sense. Vitamin D3 is an essential vitamin for our body. By promoting the absorption of calcium in the intestine, it contributes to the maintenance of strong bones and healthy teeth. It also has an influence on muscle function and the immune system. There is now even evidence that low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of acute respiratory infections. Vitamin D is measured in micrograms (µg) or international units (IU). 1 µg corresponds to 40 IU. Preparations with a daily dose of more than 10 to 25 μg ( 400 to 1000 IU) require a pharmacy prescription, and more than 25 μg (1000 IU) require a prescription. High bioavailability Back to bioavailability. This is taken very seriously with Foondiert products. By the way, the name Foondiert is phonetically derived from the German word „fundiert“ (pronounced foon-diert), what means well-founded and informed. This principle stands for all formulations, expertise and also the thoughtful packaging. Founder and Managing Directo Dr. Natalie Validi, MRPHarmS, has worked as a licensed pharmacist for 25 years in research-based pharmaceutical companies. She says, “We place special emphasis on the high bioavailability of our ingredients because the health benefits of a nutrient are limited by its bioavailability in the body. We use nutrients in their biologically active form, which can be directly absorbed and utilized by the body without conversion losses.” Spray instead of pills What I particularly like about the vitamin D3 spray from Foondiert: I do not have to swallow tablets (I hate!). The direct spray is absorbed through the oral mucosa and is quickly available for the organism.daily one spray is enough. It contains 1000 IU, so I am well supplied for the month.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Eucerin „Vitamin C Booster“

A few fine lines, especially those above the upper lip, have bothered me for a long time. And vitamin C is known not only to be a powerful antioxidant, but also the key to the synthesis of collagen in skin cells. That’s why I came across the “Vitamin C Booster” from Eucerin. It contains 10% pure vitamin C, ten times as much as an orange, but not too much so that it could cause irritation. They start with formulas over 20 percent. The booster also contains short-chain hyaluronic acid, which helps to reduce wrinkles, and licochalcone A, which enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin C. What I also like is that the vitamin C is only freshly activated when the dispenser is used, as the water-soluble vitamin breaks down under the action of oxygen. Push the button Press, shake, freshly mixed onto the skin – that’s the instruction. So first I remove the foil from the bottom of the dispenser so that I can activate the pressure mechanism that presses the vitamin C powder into the hyaluronic acid serum. Shake for 10 seconds to mix the two components. Then I squeeze two drops out of the dispenser and apply them over my upper lip. The texture is pretty thin. I have to be careful that nothing drips from my finger. I apply it twice a day. During the day I apply a cream with a light protection filter over it – even now in winter. Vitamin C has the property that it can increase the skin’s sensitivity to light. And I don’t want to risk pigment spots. The booster should be used up within 21 days to ensure its effectiveness. I also notice that the initially whitish serum turns to yellowish towards the end – a sign that the oxidation process is starting. The first bottle is empty, I can’t see any improvement yet. I’ll start with the second from the three-pack. After eight weeks, the lines above the upper lip are actually much finer and less visible. Only a deeper one persists … Eucerin „Hyaluron-Filler Vitamin C Booster“, 8ml, approx 20 $US… weiterlesen

Wild Herbs – 3 Superfoods From Nature

Collecting wild herbs is not only fun and an activity in the great outdoors, it also benefits our health. Nutritionist and herb expert Sabine Häberlein explains how to recognize them and what they can do. Wild herbs are in season right now in spring. May in particular brings us a rich selection of wild herbs. It is the time of fresh spring greenery, new beginnings, growth and renewal. The wild herbs that are now growing so fast we can almost watch them reflect this energy. Here I introduce you to the three top representatives with three benefits: they’re widely available, you can easily recognize them and they support you if you want to lose weight. 🌱 Goutweed is a true superfood. It contains lots of vitamin C, iron and potassium and is particularly good for detoxifying the body. Its taste is reminiscent of parsley. Use it fresh in salads or process it into delicious soups or pesto. 🌱 Stinging nettle is another wild plant that is often dismissed as a weed. However, it is a real health booster as it contains lots of iron, vitamin C and E. Use it in soups, salads or as a tea. I pick up a fresh nettle leaf every day. It protects me from iron deficiency. 🌱 The dandelion is not only a beautiful flower, but also a medicinal herb. It contains lots of potassium, vitamin C and bitter substances that stimulate the metabolism and digestion. The leaves add a spicy note to salads. The petals with their bright yellow color are not only a pretty decoration for various dishes. They also provide valuable ingredients that stimulate the metabolism and digestion. The leaves add a spicy note to salads. The wonderful world of plants Have you ever wondered what’s growing in the meadow on your walks? Do you want to know which of these wild herbs are edible and which you should stay away from? Are you interested in which plants have healing powers? In these days, we are used to buying our food in the supermarket.  But there is another way. Nature offers a wide range of plants that can enrich our diet. Of course, it is not possible for us all to become self-sufficient. But every now and then a pesto made from garlic rocket or a wild herb salad can complement our food really well. Not only do these dishes taste delicious, they also provide a concentrated load of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals – far more than cultivated plants can.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: Model skin for everyone with “The Model Mask” from MGM Models

„Model skin for Everyone“ is the motto of the new skincare range from Germany’s largest model agency MGM Models. With 1,500 models, it is also one of Europe’s leading agencies in the industry. Well-known top models such as Kate Upton and Chrissy Teigen started their careers here. Last fall, the luxury skincare brand MGM Cosmetics launched a total of three skincare lines. The twelve Modelskin products are divided into different age groups: Everyday 16-25 years, Advanced 25-40 years and Supreme 35- 60 years. This covers the different skin needs of all ages – from extremely young skin, which requires a lower lipid content, to more mature skin with anti-ageing requirements. “The topic of skin health has been with me my entire career as a model agent, because models can’t have bad skin. I was always on the lookout for good skincare and ultimately developed it myself. Our high professional standards for healthy and beautiful skin are fulfilled in this particularly effective skincare range,” says Marco Sinervo, CEO von MGM Models. Medical expertise But where does the head of a modeling agency get the expertise for skin care? Of course, the products were developed after many years of research in a renowned German laboratory. But more importantly, the medical expert behind MGM Cosmetics is the renowned Hamburg dermatologist Dr. Anna Brandenburg. She confirms: “MGM Cosmetics is a very effective and well-founded skincare concept with highly effective ingredients of the purest quality. The different needs of the skin can be optimally taken into account by the different series and bring the maximum effect for the user. The product range is clear and easy to use and contains everything you need for healthy skin. The topic of SPF is also well solved by the UV protection.” Model skin with “The Model Mask“ It is the highlight of the Skincare line. It was originally developed for models as a beauty booster before photo shoots and fashion shows. It has a pore-refining effect and reduces redness, puffiness, fine lines and wrinkles. As a result, the mask immediately ensures visibly smoother and firmer skin and a youthful, vital and fresh complexion. What’s inside? Aloe vera, zinc oxide, vitamin E, multimolecular hyaluronic acid, Spilanthes paracress extract, vitamin C, Syn-Ake, amino acids (proline, arginine, alanine), argan oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, rutin. Syn-Ake is often referred to as a natural Botox alternative. The synthetic active ingredient was developed by Swiss researchers and won the Swiss Technology Award in 2006.… weiterlesen

Tested for You: 3 Retinol Products for Face

Retinol has long been considered state-of-the-art in anti-aging skin care. There is hardly a skincare series today that does not include a retinol product. Why? Because it is a substance that has been well researched due to its decades-long use in acne therapy, and exerts many positive effects on the skin: Reduces the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles. Retinol helps reduce skin blemishes, resulting in clear, smooth and even skin. It also optimizes the skin microbiome by blocking unwanted bacteria. Acne scars and hyperpigmentation lose their conspicuousness. Last but not least, retinol also improves moisture balance, making the complexion plumper and more radiant. In the meantime, however, there are so many new retinol products on the market that it is hard to know which one to choose. It is not only a question of quality, but also of the wallet. Therefore, I decided to test three products from different price categories: Luxury: „The Retinol Serum with TFC8“ from Augustinus Bader Professor Augustinus Bader now has a whole range of products on the market. The latest addition is a retinol serum into which the research physician has again incorporated his patented TFC8 complex. To this he combines pure, therapeutic retinol – which is known to gently but effectively accelerate cell renewal. The redness that otherwise so often occurs is absent here. The formula is complemented by a microbiome mix that supports a healthy skin microbiome, and Marine Ectoine acts as a deep moisturizer. A zinc complex helps regulate sebum production, while Japanese knotweed extract tracks skin enzyme activity for cleaner, smoother skin as well. “Together, the formula optimizes the body’s natural ability to repair itself for skin that is measurably refined and renewed, without discomfort or redness,” says Professor Bader. The formulation of the light serum is so gentle that you can use the product in the morning and evening. Always apply naturally on cleansed skin and also spread on neck and décolleté. The milky yellowish color is not a defect in the product, but typical of vitamin A. Vitamin A, by the way, is the generic term for a group of fat-soluble substances to which retinol also belongs. The dispenser in the typical Bader blue-bronze design is not only visually appealing and very high quality. The serum is also very economical, which may somewhat compensate for the high price. „The Retinol Serum with TFC8“ from Augustinus Bader, 30ml, US$ 350 Mid-priced: “Red” by Doctor Mi!… weiterlesen

Tested for you: 8-Day Cure “OliPhenolia C” with oranges from Fattoria La Vialla

The “OliPhenolia Bitter” from Fattoria La Vialla has become a regular ritual for me. 3-4 times a year I do a 16-day cure with the liquid dietary supplement. My skin thanks me as well as my immune system. In the meantime, I have gotten used to the bitter taste of the brown liquid. Now OliPhenolia has got competition from In house and in yellow with a big “C”. OliPhenolia with Vitamin C The basis for “OliPhenolia C” is still the olive water extract, which is produced during olive pressing. The supposed waste product is particularly rich in polyphenols, including hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and oleocanthal. These three phenols, for example, are said to be highly active and demonstrably enhance the healing effect of fibroblasts. These are the cells that play a critical role in repairing damaged skin from injury. “We found that fibroblasts migrate when exposed to the phenolic compounds. This means that they move to close the gap caused by the wound, which favors their healing action,” confirms Lucía Melguizo-Rodríguez, a scientist at the University of Granada. Oranges from Sicily The “C” owes the new Oliphenolia Sicilian oranges (70%). They are a natural source of potassium for a healthy nervous system and normal muscle function. Especially rich in vitamin C, they strengthen the immune system. But vitamin C has many other positive effects on our organism: it promotes collagen formation, which is important for the functioning of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth, and increases the absorption of iron. In addition, it reduces symptoms of fatigue. First stir, then eat However, the yellow concentrate takes a little getting used to. In the small jar is only a little liquid with a semi-solid core from the whole oranges (Citrus sinensis), because the peel of the orange contains three times as much vitamin C as the pulp and juice and four times as much fiber. Those who like to eat “marmalade”, that is the typical English orange marmalade, will be pleased. Tastes so similar. Before you can consume the “OliPhenolia C”, you have to stir it up with a small spoon, but carefully so that none of the liquid spills out. Then you can eat it spoon by spoon. Personally, I’ve never liked orange marmalade, and when I first tried “OliPhenolia C” I immediately made a face accordingly. But the benefits of vitamin C motivated me to stick with it. And what can I say: In the meantime, I have become accustomed to the taste and the small jar is emptied quickly.… weiterlesen

Tested for you: „Super C Dark Circle Brightening Eye Serum” from StriVectin

Even the presentation of the dark circle brightener against Panda bear eyes is refreshingly out of the ordinary compared to the usual white or pastel tubes in which eye creams are usually packaged. The gel serum against dark shadows is in a pink, handy pen-shaped dispenser. It promises to lighten all types of stubborn dark circles. Differences in dark circles under the eyes To do this, you need to know: Not all dark circles are the same. Dark circles under the eyes are one of the most difficult beauty problems to treat. However, they are also the most common. But how do the dark shadows under the eyes actually form? They depend on aging and lifestyle, such as stress and exhaustion, but they can also be genetic. There are several shades of color. Eye circles can look blue-purple, but they can also have a brown tint. Both forms can be counteracted with vitamin C, which not only visibly lightens the skin, but also tightens it. An enlightening idea I use the refreshing gel serum now seht more than two months. You can’t expect quick results with any product, no matter how good and promising it is. In the morning and evening, I apply a pump on the area under the eyes – more is not needed, because the texture is very productive. The gel is not only easy to spread, but leaves a pleasant feeling of freshness on the skin, especially now in summer. Always spread from the inner corner of the eye outwards and do not tug at the skin! I am very satisfied with the result. The dark shadows under the eyes are lightened, so I also need much less concealer than before. I also find that the skin has become firmer especially at the corners of the eyes and the fine lines less. Overall, the look looks more awake when I look in the mirror in the morning. What’s inside? In addition to the stabilized form of vitamin C (aminopropyl ascorbyl phosphate), the gel serum contains various active plant substances. Among them guava leaf extract from the Jeju Islands in South Corea. It is combined with antioxidant-containing ferments to make vitamin C even more effective. In addition, a mixture of Arabian jasmine, hawthorn flowers and purifying flavonoids strengthens thin, delicate skin of the lower eye region and visibly brightens it. In addition to the stabilized form of vitamin C (aminopropyl ascorbyl phosphate), the gel serum contains various active plant substances.… weiterlesen

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