I’m always looking for the perfect concealer for my naturally dark skin. Several have worked to cover small bumps on the face, but not under the eyes. The color was either too light or too dark. I’m tired of mixing different shades &#8…
When it comes to products, I not only value the content, but also the look. And that struck me straight away with the “Skin Booster” serum. Looks like an XL medication capsule in bright pink with a matt, velvety touch. If you open it, a transparen…
Actually, I had booked a yoga week in Morocco with my sister Sabine last year. Because of Corona, it was repeatedly postponed and finally canceled completely. As a result, we both moved our event to Austria. “Om” now takes place in Dor…
As a research doctor in cosmetic dermatology with a Skincare Center in Rotterdam and her own skin care line, Dr. Jetske Ultee has the right answer to every beauty question. Her background: studied medicine at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, t…
The effectiveness of light therapies has been proven many times. Blue light is used to treat acne and psoriasis because it inhibits inflammation and the formation of flakes of skin, while green light relieves migraines. Radiation with red light is…
If our computer is hacked and the data is used by someone else, it makes you really angry. For this reason, the term hacker actually has a negative image. The biohacker has nothing to do with that. He doesn’t harm anyone because he hacks its…
So far I just didn’t like the scents of lavender because the smell always reminds me of my grandmother’s linen cupboard. Old-fashioned, tidy, fresh linen, distinguished old lady were my associations from childhood. And most lavender sc…
Staying on top of hydration can be quite a challenge. And while most of us know the benefits of drinking enough water reach from glowing skin, to organ function and hormone balance, as well as hair follicles growing healthy – 3 out of 4 are …
“Laguna” is the name of my new love affair. It’s a creamy bronzer. Since I’ve been using it, I’ve often been asked how fresh and relaxed I look. To be honest, I have a bit of a guilty conscience because I was faithful…
The guinea pig is said to have crossed the sea with Spanish sailors from South America. Its squeaking sounds and appearance reminded the English of pigs. But figuratively they refer to someone who serves as a test subject. And that’s exactly…

Traveling and Beauty are my passion.
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